Chapter 34

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          I woke up slightly to the noise of someone opening the door. "Hey I am Jayden's mate.. do not attack me. I am innocent" a girl who seems to be 18 yrs shouted as she entered my sight. "You woke me up" I grumbled as she sat in front of me. "Okay I know you are Jayden's what's your name?" I asked trying to start a conversation. "My name is Jessica " she started and I think I don't want to ask her any more questions because she started telling me all her likes and dislikes and sum it all it was pretty cool speaking with her. "Jessica your mate wants to see you" in comes the great Mr. James voice.

          She gave me a worried glance and bowed to her alpha before walking away. I sighed "what do you want now?" I snapped his presence making me irritated. He chuckled "just want to speak with you darling," he said as his hand started reaching me. "Cant you keep your hands to yourself?" I snapped at him which earned a smirk from him. Sure, this fellow doesn't have any brain and doesn't have any idea when to smirk and when to growl. "Feisty..hmm" he mumbles tracing my face to jaw to my collar bone with his pointer finger.

        His finger further tried to trail down my body when I screamed suddenly, honestly, I have no idea why I screamed but I think it's the only thought occurred to snap him out of his trail. He glanced around for something and looked down at me with an amused expression. "Tonight I will finish the mating process with you and tomorrow the golden wolf will be my mate, just give birth to few pups with me and maybe after that I will kill you myself," he said with a smug smile plastered on his face.

         I smirked in return with a thought "let's see about that" I said. He nodded accepting my challenge before walking away. I tried to use my powers and it worked. My wolf is weak and my body is a bit dizzy but I can still use my powers. "Hey, Alena. What did he say?" Jayden asked and I told him what happened in the meeting...He shrugged "so he is going to mate with you and you speak like it doesn't even matter to you," he said yelling as he reached the end of his speech.

        I know for sure David will take me before it all happens. "Hey, if David attacks and Weston is killed will you join my pack? You know you won't get the beta position but you can live there peacefully with your mate who is, by the way, awesome" I said slowly not knowing how will he be responsible for this. He seems to be quiet for a few minutes before slowly nodding his head.

        "If I get you out of here safely I may order your mate to make me your guard so that I can spend lots of time with you," he said chuckling to himself. I huffed "if he doesn't comply to your order then I will order him to do don't worry" I cheered as I thought of him and Jessica in the pack. I mean Jessica will get along nice with me and Chloe.

        "Oh, I forgot there is this girl I have to inject her with wolfsbane so she couldn't contact her pack now...she never shuts her mouth. She yells profanities at me whenever I enter her cell. If some other guard she would be slammed to the wall but me being me I know why she swears at me...what to do alphas order" he huffed starting to walk away. "By any chance do you know her name or anything about her?" I asked dreading to hear her name. "She always says 'your neck is going to be snapped out from your body when my mate comes to know about this...he will come soon my Brian will come soon' she shouts this for the whole floor to hear," he said. Tears brimmed out of the corner of my eyes.

       "Um...Alena did I say something wrong" he asks gently. "Kace" I whispered.." KACE IS ALIVE" I screamed as Jayden flinched at my loudness when I couldn't give a care about it. "I know this is too much to ask but can you please let her contract her mate and explain everything that's happening here?" I asked hopefully. "I can do it, but what if her mate kills me? Because I have been the one injecting her with wolfsbane". I huffed giving him my best are you kidding me look.

       He sighed once again before walking out not before showing me a thumbs up near the door. I sighed, Brian will be so happy to know that Kace is still alive. Once David comes here and takes me we all can go to our normal life once again...It's really refreshing to think of me cuddling with my mate on our bed...

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