Chapter 11

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Don't take me, wrong people. I don't like Ali before, but now I have a very bad feeling about it. I feel like Kace is going to be in trouble if she continues to be her friend. Separating your new friend from her old friend seems to be wrong, but when you feel that your friend is in trouble, you can do whatever you want to save your new friend. I told Kace to act normal, means I told her to bully me like she always does....she nodded her head and went in search of her pawns. I went to the locker and acted as if I am taking my books. For some reason, I feel comfortable with kace which is very odd, I mean she was my bully from age 14. But I shrugged that matter " see who is here...Oh my god, What? Today you are just carrying a book or two. Do you seriously think that will make us stop? " Kace asked in a mock tone. Wow, she is a pretty cool actor.

Ali came to my side " Kace, she is trying to avoid problems here, we have done enough for her. Stop acting like a bitch and leave her alone " Ali said giving her a very fake smile to me. Kace started fuming in anger, but she maintained her calm " u were right about her and thank you for showing your true self Ali " she said Ali's name with so much disgust, actually now I want to laugh at Ali's expression. " YOU TRICKED ME? " She screamed at me. I also noticed Brian standing in one corner and watching us. I nodded my head innocently. This fueled her anger as she pinned me to the locker. What is with my back and locker today, it is as if they have a magnetic attraction between them. Coming back to the present, I thought she is going to warn me to stay out of her way, but seeing her clenched fist...

I closed my eye but the punch never reached my face. I opened my eyes to see Brian holding Ali hands, which is mere inches away from me. " Leave her alone Ali," he said calmly, but the same person will know what will happen if they go against his words....after all, he is the betas brother. He has beta blood within him. Ali gave a death glare towards everyone before she walked away. "Thanks? " I said not knowing what to do. He nodded and everyone went, including Kace. " You know, even now I didn't save you because you are my future luna, it's just whenever you are in trouble, my first instinct is to save you," he said hanging his head low. " You didn't like that..... so you started bullying me? " I asked, knowing his answer. He nodded " Even after I started bullying you, I have saved you three times before someone has come to hit you. Once I was late, you were in the hospital. I couldn't sleep the whole day, it's like it's my responsibility to save you . " he said scratching his back of the neck. I nodded clearly confused, I mean why would he want to save me.

" Don't think I am making up a story?" he said a bit pleadingly . " okay?" I said, my voice showing off my uncertainty. He bowed his head down to show his submission and I nodded accepting it. "I don't like people doing this, it is weird " I mumbled to myself. Brian chuckled at my expression. "Your face looks like you have eaten something which is allergic to you," he said, controlling his laughter. I scowled at him. The laughter he controlled for this long time, broke through as soon as he saw me scowling. I smiled, even though they were my bullies I really don't know why I feel very comfortable with them. That too within seconds of speaking to them. Maybe I am crazy...

" Have you shifted ?" he asked after a while. I shook my head, to shift I should know my wolf color which I would have known If I was awake, means if I was not in coma. "I was in a coma during my first shift and for some odd reason, I couldn't even feel my wolf sometimes, " I said. We are walking towards our class, as I and Brian are having same class now. He seems to be thinking about the possibilities of why my wolf has not shown itself yet. "You know its impossible for an alpha to get omega as his mate," he said when we reached the entrance of our class. " I don't know how is your relationship with alpha, but give him some time. Don't lose hope on your mate, you know he will eventually come to you "he said, his voice, however, looks like he is speaking to a child. " I am not a child you know, and I am sure I will never give up on him, I mean who am I to go against the moon goddess decision," I said with newfound confidence. "Till now I didn't have a reason to protect you, but now as you are our luna I swear on my life to protect you, "He said mock saluting me. I facepalmed my self " you know you don't have to do that " I said.

He suddenly hugged me " Thanks for forgiving us," he said before dashing out of that place. I guess we couldn't guess anybody by their act which they display to the outside world. Someone cleared their throat beside me " That hug was just a friendly hug, you don't have to get possessive for that " I said knowing too well, it is Kace standing beside me. " Um...I know, but I don't think alpha understands it " she said pointing her thumb towards a direction where alpha David is standing. I am sure my mouth is hung open...." ah...Kace what do you think I have to do? "I can literally see alpha David's face becoming red with anger, his eyes turning pitch black which means he is trying to fight back his wolf. " Run !!! " she whispered before grabbing my hand and running away......


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