Chapter 23

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David's POV

            "Dude I am a protector," Brian said out of the blue. Tyler raised his hand "me too". He said and I looked at them as if they are mad or playing a prank on me.  "The two prisoners they are also protectors, "Brian said and Tyler nodded his head. "Can you tell me what happened clearly ?" I asked frustrated by their lack of explanation. "Fine, yesterday moon goddess entered in my dream to tell me that I am Alena's protector and she is the mother of Alena....that mean moon goddess daughter is Alena and me, Tyler and the prisoners are Alena's protectors," Brian said staring at the ceiling. "I would tell you to be good to Alena as you know she is the daughter of the moon goddess," Tyler said. "I will be good to her, daughter of moon goddess or not," I told them in a firm tone.

           "Let's go meet the prisoners " I ordered as me, Tyler and  Brian started heading towards the prison. The prison guards bowed down to show their respect to us, the alpha, beta and gamma.  "Ella told you would come to meet us today," one of the prisoners said. "I am honored to be a protector for the golden wolf," the other one said smiling. I frowned it is my duty to protect her I thought but I believe our goddess does everything for a reason. "So what's your name? We are protectors so we are a team now" Brian smiled jumping in excitement. I facepalmed myself when Tyler helped the other prisoner out of their chains.

           "I am Tom and he is Alex " the one who smiled said pointing at themselves. I nodded " welcome to our pack Tom and Alex," I said handing them my hand to shake. We shook our hands and started walking towards my office again. I ordered my warrior to arrange rooms for Alex and Tom. "Fine, my warrior will show you your rooms and I will inform my mate about you guys," I said when they all screamed "no". I arched an eyebrow " I guess Ella wants to tell her daughter about us and her by herself " Tom said. "Oh okay can go to your rooms and tomorrow we will meet in the training ground for training " they nodded before going to their rooms. Brian and Tyler followed them outbidding their goodbye to me.

         I was into paper works when the door opened revealing my beautiful mate "busy..uh?" She asked and I shook my head. "Come," I said as she came and sat on my lap. She started looking at the paperwork "can I help?"  She asked, giving me a pleading look "Fine if you know what to do "I sighed. She pecked my lips before learning what to do and started working on it. She is beautiful and she is all mine....only mine. She suddenly stood up jumping up and down "I finished," she said as she handed me the work. I am absolutely stunned...I never thought she could finish the work this soon that too perfectly.

        I smiled at her, and suddenly the papers started flying around the room. The wind blows every paper to each corner and the paper works are scattered around the room. The wind from where?  I turned to look at my mate where her eyes are wide open "um...I think I did that" she said giving me a silly smile. "So much for finishing your work soon" I shook my head. "I will help, "she said reaching for a paper when suddenly the paper burned. "Oh, shit," she said backing away, landing on her butt. I chuckled before helping her up. "I am sorry? " she said as she started walking back. I smiled "let's go to the place where you shifted and practice your powers?" She nodded her head.

        We reached the large ground and she started trying her powers. She said she is trying to do water, she closed her eyes and slowly the water droplets started forming on her hand and a water ball and after some time the water shielding her whole body. She opens her eyes and smiled at me "it's pretty easy, I should just imagine with some concentration and I can do it " she said throwing a water ball on my face. "That hurts, " I said rubbing my forehead. She chuckled "You are wet". She ran from that place me chasing behind her...

        We reached our room and had a make-out session. During that time suddenly her whole body started blazing in fire, but the fire didn't hurt me one bit. It was kinda weird, but we laughed thinking about that. Her emotions are connected with her powers.....what would be my power ?......

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