Chapter 8

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            I started walking towards my room to see Chloe already sitting in my bed. She arched an eyebrow at me, watching me coming out of his room. "Why are you looking at me like that ?" I asked her as she is watching me with a smug smile etched onto her face. She shook her head " I heard spanking sound from the room you came from...I didn't mean to hear, but what to do I am a werewolf who can hear things " She said, grinning from ear to ear. Well, my new friend as a lot an of creativity and imagination as her imaginations go wild. I shook my head and sighed "That was my punishment as my wolf snapped at him" I said. She seems to be interested in this topic and pushed me to 'explain in detail' . I told her from the start till the end, that is, me seeing him in a towel to he spanking my butt...

           "Wow, one night you stayed together and you guys act like you have known each other forever. Even though I hate to admit, you guys have a great understanding with each other "She said, even though she tried to sound jealous, her voice seems to be filled with happiness. She is my first friend and I am lucky she is the best. " Get ready soon, your mate as arranged beta and gamma as our guards " " even before I asked " she mumbled to herself, the last part. A smile automatically tugged onto my lips. I nodded my head as I went into the bathroom to get ready . Exactly at 9 55 am we were ready waiting outside for our so-called guards.

          Tyler and the gamma Owen walked outside with alpha David. Alpha David refused to meet my eyes. I too felt nervous for some odd reason, so I kept staring at the ground waiting to leave. You can't blame me, as this is the first time I am going to a mall for shopping. I sighed waiting to leave. Alpha David has dismissed everyone except me. "I don't know what got into you in the morning, but never ever raise your voice at me.  Do you understand ?" he said with so much authority, which made my wolf cower away. I nodded my head. He arched an eyebrow at me " yes alpha David " I said. " I don't want anyone to know I can speak well...I don't like to talk to people " I said. He nodded his head in understanding ."Thanks, Alpha" I said walking over to where Chloe is waiting for me.

         " What happened? Your face happens to be dull " she asked concerned. "Its nothing," I said to her before joining Tyler and Owen. The car ride seems to be annoyingly quiet. I nudged Chloe to start a conversation. She understood " Are you guys eating something?" She asked out of nowhere. We three had the same expression on our face, its confusion and are you kidding me look ." Why are you guys seeing me like that, its just too quiet as if your mouth is filled with something " she said shrugging. We stared at her for a minute before Tyler and Owen started laughing at her. I smiled, which she returned gladly. From then the conversation started about our life to the world, where I just smiled and nodded my head as an answer.

         We reached the mall " Tyler and Owen follow us, you will be needed to follow us to carry our shopping bags " Chloe said adjusting her dress as if she hadn't ordered someone to do her work. " I...I will do it. I am an, so I should do it " I said as three of them threw daggers at me with there eyes. " You have no need to do that, we know you are an omega but that doesn't mean you have to do works," Owen said, putting his hand around my shoulder. Chloe gave a strained smile when Tyler glared at Owen. "He is flirting with you ryte now," Chloe said in our private link. I nodded my head, I was about to tell something before Owen was pried off from me. I looked to see Tyler dragging Owen towards aside. Chloe started " lets go....the  mall is waiting for us". We four entered the mall, as Chloe dragged me here and there as she chose dresses for me and pushed me into a trial room.

      I walked out wearing my first dress, it is quite contrasting to the dresses I used to wear. My previous dresses were loose and baggy, but now these dresses were fitting and tight. My first dress is a tight sleeveless red t-shirt with black short jean. I walked out of the room feeling a bit uncomfortable. I turned to see no one around here. I sighed waiting for Chloe to come out with another dress. "Why are you here ? " a voice snapped at me. I turned around to see Mariah standing behind me. She momentarily stunned by seeing my outfit, before she composed herself. " Why do you even want to show your ugly body outside your baggy dress ?" she asked. I bowed my head down, I can feel my wolf trying to come out, but then I controlled her. 

         "You always bow your head down in submission. You do whatever we tell you to do," she said, scratching her chin with her manicured nails. " There is a guy whom I know very well, if I tell you to go to his room tonight and do whatever he asks you to do , you will do it...that is if I just raise my voice you will submit " she said laughing at her own joke, which isn't a joke for me . I can feel my wolf fighting to come out, I could feel my claws were out before someone interrupted. " You are that girl who begged alpha to take you as his luna ryte? You literally grabbed his leg, not to let him go away from you. I remember you crying when he didn't even spare you a glance " he chuckled. I turned around to see Tyler smirking at Mariah. A small smile stuck up my lips. Mariah was fuming in anger before she stormed away from us. "Th...Thank you Tyler " I said. "Anytime luna, " Tyler said casually, which made my legs go weak . He knows...

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