Chapter 33

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Alena's POV

       I woke up on a cold floor. My back started to ache when I tried to move. The dark place is really looked terrifying. I tried to move my hand but soon realized my hands are tied by silver chains. "You woke up" I heard a voice in front of me. I looked towards the voice to see a muscular man towering over me. I nodded my head too weak to open my mouth and speak. "Good..alpha James will be seeing you in a minute," he said as he started walking away. "No lights?" I asked. I know it's a stupid question but I really don't want him to go...I mean it's dark here who isn't scared of dark?

       He chuckled "You do realize you are a prisoner here right?" He asked. He got a point there. I sighed "can you just stay here till someone joins me...I mean I am a bit scared of the dark and why is my back paining like hell? " I asked him curiously. He laughed at my face "You where whipped yesterday when you were unconscious and fine I don't mind giving you company till someone comes here" he said as he sat in front of me Indian style. "Thanks," I said sincerely, even though he is my enemy he helped so I should be thanking right?

       The place was silent before he spoke again. "It seems the alpha got some other will take time for him to join," he said nervously scratching his neck. "If you want to go you can leave I am not compelling you to stay here," I said nervously. "No... I mean let's talk and I will introduce myself. I am the beta of this pack. My name is Jayden and what's your name?" He asked. I introduced myself by my name and my mate's name. "You got your mate?" I asked him curiosity laced in my voice. He nodded his head "the alpha James who is going to meet you is Mariah's brother". Great...I thought it would be the father but I think I am wrong.

        "I don't like what they are planning to do. I am their beta, I should be loyal to him but I couldn't be knowing what he is doing is wrong. I have got a mate and I know how much it hurts to be away from them." He muttered under his breath only for me to hear. I sighed nodding my head. "I want to tell.." before he could finish the door of the cell opened with a creak. Jayden suddenly stood up. "Alpha" he bowed his head. I could feel that alphas eyes on me all the time.

        "Jayden" he nodded before coming towards me. "Pretty" he mumbled stroking my cheek with his thumb pads. I jerked my head away from his touch. He smirked leaning towards me as his lips brushed against mine. I closed my eyes shut as I tried to move my head away from him. He held my head as he started to kiss me. I bit his bottom lip hard as I felt blood ooze out from the cut on his lip. I smirked as he stared at me wide-eyed. Jayden having a hard time controlling his laughter turned his back towards me as his shoulders shook up and down.

       "Mariah is the luna of your former pack. We had a meeting and David accepted to make her as the luna and you will be my luna from here on. Oh and I forgot David marked and mated her yesterday night and I am pretty sure he did that because I visited them and she was asleep in your bed when I visited, with a mark on her neck" he smirked kissing my forehead. "Don't disrespect me here after?" he said pecking my lips and walked away. 

         I made a gagging sound when Jayden laughed falling on the floor. "That. .was..hilarious " he said between his fits of laughter. I giggled agreeing with him. "His expression was priceless...I mean your mate.."He trailed off. "He didn't mark her..I would have felt pain and his only motive before I came here was to kill Mariah..David has some brain and I am pretty sure he used it when James visited there," I said confidently. "You speak like a true luna...I mean any girl would have started doubting her mate after hearing that" he said. "Weston is calling me I should go" he sighed. I arched an eyebrow "that is his name" he said. He leaned in kissing my forehead. "Since I like you as my sister I will send my mate here to give you some company," he said before walking away...

         I sighed, what is David doing right now? How much longer should I stay here? With that thought I let myself slip into a peaceful sleep...

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