Chapter 22

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Alena's POV

Yesterday night was amazing. Not the sex I am talking about, I liked the little walk we had before my heat started. I got his mark yesterday night and we finished our mating process. I feel complete now. I really want to see my mark, but seeing him sleeping peacefully made me stay in the bed with his arm snaked around me.

"Staring is use to say that "he opened his sleepy eyes slowly. I giggled "guess I was wrong, "I said tracing my fingers along his jawline. He smiled tucking my hair behind my ear, he kissed my forehead before kissing my mark. That small kiss made pleasure run all over my body. He smirked "like that mark? " suddenly I stood up, he gave me a confused look. "Want to look at the mark," I said running towards the bathroom.

I put my hair to a side revealing the mark on my neck, I neared the mirror and the mark is beautiful. It's his wolf and my wolf's head touching and our muzzle connected (look at the pic above). "It's beautiful, isn't it? I was looking at it till my eyes closed on its own accord" he said crossing his arms and leaning on the wall opposite to the mirror. I nodded seeing him in the mirror. "Let's take a shower "he is at my back within sec. His body glued to my body.....

"Never thought shower can lose for an hour and a half and at the same time exciting," he said nearing me again. "Stop right there, don't forget we have things to do" I ordered him in a fake tone. He smiled "I am lucky to have you ". We reached the packhouse to see Tyler and Brian having a few scratches on their faces and arms. "What happened to you guys?" David asked laughing at their comical expression.

"You both are the reason for it, yesterday your heat happened and you were having a great time when we were fighting the unmated wolves, not to say they were ferocious " I can feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Tyler chuckled at my now red face when David put his arm around me tightly. Brian came near me "can I see your mark? "He asked me like a 5 yrs old kid. I chuckled before showing him "woah it looks beautiful" he said as his eyes shone with excitement "then are you telling my mark isn't that nice?" Kace asked as she comes in sight. "No no, yours always looks absolutely stunning. "He said kissing her mark, where she visibly shivers under his kiss.

Chloe entered "did my brother marked you and he is actually smiling and laughing....woah I am not scared for my life hereafter, I can happily die," she said smiling when David, Tyler, and Brian growled at her at the mention of death. "Did you notice Ali was not there during the war and she is always missing all of a sudden" Kace asked out of the blue which took us all off guard.

"She is on her way here and I want you all to go, I will ask her in my way," David said when we all shook our head no. "Fine at least hide your scent and hide somewhere here " he ordered groaning in frustration as we laughed at his face, this time which we cannot object, so we did what he said.

"Hello Ali, I am planning to banish Alena from the pack as you know...." He trailed off staring ryte through her eyes. "Because she is a golden wolf" she stated innocently. He nodded his head, her eyes turned to a pitch-black shade " You are known to be the strongest alpha ever known in the young age and you are backing away from your duty of protecting her?" She growled making us shocked by her outburst.

"I have been running here and there to keep an eye on Mariah as she seems to be a threat for our pack and importantly Alena. I may be a girl who goes behind that fucking fame but not a girl who lost care about her pack and my friends" she said in a firm tone. For some odd reason, my wolf seems to be in good term with Ali. She feels like she could be trusted and my wolf is always correct. "Fine, show over, "I said as I walked outside from the hiding place. Ali smiled before her face changed into fury "You tricked me again" she shouted. We all chuckled " did you get anything about Mariah? " Tyler asked as his whole demeanor changed deadly. Ali nodded.

"She is alpha James daughter, she was sent here to become a luna and capture this pack...but is flopped as you found Alena. For your kind info... the first mate of yours, David, is actually Mariah's elder sister who was sent here for same mission , become luna.....but she had witch's help to make you feel like she is your mate...but you didn't fall in her trap , so she acted as if she is dead but actually she is probably fucking her real mate... Mariah was caught off guard by me in the pack border speaking to her packs member, she thought I may help her as she thought I am an enemy to I played along to know her plans..the war she didn't discuss with me or I swear I would have warned you all" she said it in one breath as our mouth dropped open .

"Woah I feel like a super spy now," she said and we all smiled at her. "Thanks, Ali," I said and her face turned to a frown " I should say I am sorry for leaving you," she said as her eyes became red and glossy, guilt evident on her face. I hugged her as Chloe and Kace joined for the hug.

"Do you have any idea what to do next? " Ali asked as we all shook our head no. We may not know what to do now but we will, soon...

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