Chapter 5

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           I woke up, my back feels sore and my whole body is numb. I slightly turned my head to see Tyler sitting here in my bedside chair. "Hey there beautiful, how do you feel, "he asked giving his warm smile. "If I hear that once again, you are going to sleep on the couch your whole life " a female voice popped in. Tyler smirked "she is my little mate and she is your doctor are so going to be dead, "he said. I looked at him confused. "Do not speak until you have some water or else your throat will burn, okay?" she said, as I looked at her, she has a beautiful wavy brown hair up to her waist, her blue eyes shining, she looks so beautiful and Tyler looks handsome too. They are made for each other.

          She sat on Tyler's lap to help me drink some water. "Hey I am Chloe, first of all, I am David's little cousin and this stupids mate and I am your doctor, "she said her voice is so energetic. "I know you couldn't believe that I am his cousin, but what to say my bro is one hell of a boring old man when I am all energetic young women," she said dramatically flipping her hair. I couldn't help but smile at someone like her. "So why don't you introduce yourself," she asked.

        "I...I am Alena " I said. She smiled "U look beautiful, "she said to me. It's new for me hearing compliments from someone. She shooed away Tyler from the room. "I know you are Davids mate," she said. To say I am shocked is an understatement. I don't know how to respond to that, my eyes were wide open. I opened and closed my mouth as I couldn't form any meaningful words. "I won't tell anybody, even Tyler. I want to help you to get him so that at least once he could live his normal life "she said her voice filled with sadness.

       I nodded my head, to assure her that  I will take her help. "Really?" she asked for reassurance. "I know you can speak well too...I mean that's obvious that your stuttering trait is not from your birth "I nodded my head again. All you want is some confidence. " are el...elder than Tyler, "I asked. She smiled and nodded "yea, but he acts mature compared to me ". I nodded my head smiling. "You know David is watching us from an outside window, don't turn now, "she said walking towards me "let him suffer for a while without getting a proper view.

              I shook my head "he does...doesn't like me "I said. She smiled "then make him like you" with that she left. I turned to see the window. Our eyes connected for seconds before he disappeared. Those seconds were fucking awesome. I mean it was like I went into a new world of magic and came back. I closed my eyes and slipped into a wonderful sleep. I woke up in a bed which is not the hospital bed. I stood up and felt like my body is floating and I had a white dress on me.

          "Just an important message darling" my mother's voice filled my head "u have to live your life, do not run away from your fears. You will soon face problems but be calm and solve those with your mind and heart. I love you darling and please know people will love you. I am sorry for leaving you with your father, but he will come along. Do not worry much. Love you darling". I woke up again in my hospital bed whispering I love you too nom.

         Once I had no intention to live, but now hearing my mother gives me a second thought. Maybe I should try to live my life in another way too. I pressed the emergency button to call Chloe.  She barged in the room panicking.  She calmed herself down seeing no danger.  She glared at me "I fucking hate you, you gave me a heart attack you idiot "I gave her a sly smile ".ca.. can you help overcome this? "She looked confused for a while and then as if something clicked she turned to me giving me a full-blown smile.

        "Why not? Till that you don't have to go to school. I will make sure of that "she said thinking, scratching her chin "we go shopping tomorrow " she said smirking at me evilly. I gulped feeling all nervous all of a sudden. "Who is going shopping Tomorrow? " David's voice suddenly comes from the door frame. "Me and Alena," she said in a duh tone.  David glared at me, but me being me stared at the ground. "You have no saying in this as it's between girls and there is no pack rule which tells we aren't allowed to go out for shopping ." she paused. "Why do you care and what are you doing here? Because I have never seen you come to check on someone you have punished and you asking where are you going is new as you don't care what people do "she said arching an eyebrow as if she has no idea what is happening around here.

He glared at her and then on me.  I coughed hard as I felt uncomfortable with my throat. I took a glass of water which was held to me. I looked up to see Chloe with a glass of water in her hands with a smirk in the corner of the room. I stared at the person who has given me water. Alpha does care a bit. I smiled internally. "Th...thanks alpha David, "I said staring into his eyes as I liked that feeling before. He stared too before walking outside the room.

           "He fucking cares about you, you saw that," she said. I nodded "he cares about me, "I said thinking how I felt when I saw his eyes.  He has green eyes, the color of the forest which I liked the most. The room is silent, when I looked to her she is smiling at me "You didn't stutter when you said 'he cares about me ' ." She said smiling. I realized just then, that I didn't stutter when I said those words. I smiled to myself, maybe there is another way I could live my life.....


          Hello everyone !! I hope you liked this ch and please vote if you liked this one. I know right...from here the actual stories you all

          Continue on Alena's and David's journey:)

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