Chapter 24

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Alena's POV

It was embarrassing...I mean just making out with him made my bed on fire. Thank God the fire didn't hurt him at all or I would have never touched him again. He is too nice and kind now, not only to me but to everyone. Tyler smiled at me yesterday when I met him, that smile conveys he is the happiest person to see my mate happy and he thinks that it's because of me. Today practice would be on controlling fire...I hope I do that well too. "What are you thinking about? Let me guess about yesterday night ?" He mocked me as he is putting on his black t shirt. Why does he look so hot? I smiled "nope, just thinking about today's practice". "I know you will do good," he said pecking my forehead, that small gesture makes my world complete.

"Let's see how much you can control the fire after practice....while in make-out session in our bed" he winked as his lips curl into a large smirk. I can feel my cheeks heat up "can you please stop or I am going to take Tyler for the practice" I fake warned him which is enough to shut him up. He zips his lips and throws his keys to show he won't speak. I laughed at him to get a frown from him. We started moving to the training ground first to check on the warriors and the pups who are training for the upcoming war. "Hey there, been a while since we met, " Brian said nearing us. I rolled my eyes "we met yesterday" I said for which he rolled his eyes in return. Brian started to tell something, but my eyes were glued to the pups who were training behind Brian with their swords. 

As if I expected, the sword slipped from the pups hand. The sword targeting Brian.... it started nearing Brian's back in full force. Just in the blink of an eye the sword went towards a tree and got stuck on it. "Woah there I thought you didn't practice wind yet" I heard David's voice beside me. "I didn't think anything nor do anything, its as if my wish was granted...I mean I wished that sword shouldn't hurt anyone and it just flew according to it to that tree " I said still wondering how the heck I did that without even imagining wind. I earned a grateful smile from the pack members when Brian told them to practice carefully with the swords.

What is happening to me? David took my hand and literally started dragging me towards the large ground . " snap out of your thoughts. Concentrate on your power and control it " he ordered pecking my lips and walking back to give me some space. I nodded...I imagined a small fireball in my palms. "You got it," he said. I smiled at him  "I will be the one to kill Jessica " I said as the small fire started getting larger by each passing sec ...his eyes blackened letting out a growl "fine, I will be the one to kill Mariah, the traitor and Tyler is the one to kill alpha James " he said through gritted teeth .

"You know we shouldn't just go and kill everyone, we should know whether everyone in the pack is included or only the higher authorities...I mean I don't want to kill innocent lives and the last war it was mostly rogues who participated " I said, doubting whether it's my place to ask for it. "You are our luna don't forget have every right to tell your opinion on anything which concerns our pack," he said coming behind me for a hug. Suddenly I remember the book on his bedside drawer. "The first golden wolf what happened to her? I guess you have finished reading that book " I asked him turning my head to see him as I rubbed his hand soothingly.

"We will first go meet Alex and Tom to know the information about the war," he said clearly trying to change the topic. He started to move but I stopped him. "Tell me about the first golden wolf," I said it in a more firm tone, my wolf trying to come out as she didn't get the answer for what she is seeking. I closed my eyes tight and started taking deep breaths. His hand took mine, kissing my back of my hand  "fine, calm down, I will tell you while we walk ?"  He whispered. "I am sorry, my wolf is...I don't know if she wants something she gets it or she just...wants to get it by any means" I said when my wolf retreated to its normal state.

"I understand, you want to know about the first golden wolf right? Her name was Patricia, her father became moon God so she was blessed with the golden wolf. She is just like you, shy, sensitive at the same time strong and dangerous. She was loved by everyone, every pack. She was quite a great ruler who knows to control her wolf and take a decision which will benefit everyone" he said as we sat on a rock. His eyes seem to be distant in thought " she was great until alpha James grandfather alpha William requested to meet her. He took help from a witch and made Patricia believe that she is his mate. The wolf of her guessed something is wrong but Patricia fell in love with William's charms. He marked her and mated her after a while of convincing and acting as if he truly loved her, he as soon as got the fame of being golden wolf's mate but when he realized that she is having his pup, he thought that all this name and fame will be diminished if the pup comes to the world . He poisoned her, not harming her wolf or her he killed his pup in her womb. She was devastated  at the loss of her pup...she stayed in her room mourning for her pups death for a long time when William took decisions for the pack by reasoning that he is her mate and moon goddess did select him for a reason to be the first-ever golden wolf's mate "

He said and by now I can feel a stinging sensation in my eyes, I know why it is hard for him to tell this...because like Patricia he was cheated by Jessica but thank goddess it didn't take so much time for him to realize. "Do you want me to continue? "He asked but his face shows he is praying inside that my answer would be 'no'. "Not for now," I said. As we reached his office he said he have informed them to meet here...I am wondering what story they have got to tell...

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