Chapter 6

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Tyler's POV

            I don't know what is happening around me. David never cares what others do but now he punished her just because she mistakenly crashes into him. Maybe he was in a bad mood or something? Then why does he feel guilty for doing that? He sent me to the hospital to take care of her. He never cares and what the actual fuck is happening. As I was thinking I didn't notice someone standing before me until I crashed into someone "watch where you are going " I said stumbling "alpha....oh shit...I don't want to get whipped....if I do get Chloe will kill me for sure....she doesn't like marks on my skin...oh shit what am I going to do " I started muttering to myself. "Hi David, I am sorry man, I didn't see you there, "I said nervously as I do not know what will be the consequences.

           "How is she? Did she wake up? " He asked, even though his voice is emotionless his eyes show that he is concerned. "Do you feel guilty for doing that to that girl? I know you are the alpha, but you didn't have to do that to prove yourself. Maybe you are becoming just like your father " I whispered the last part, with that he grabbed my neck pinned me to the wall choking me. "I will never become my father "he growled. "You don't know what is happening so just leave after answering my damn question, "he said through gritted teeth. His grip around my neck loosened a bit "you are mates" I said straight, seeing his whole demeanor change. "Yes I am mated with that little omega," he said sighing. "I do not want anybody to know that until she is trained or something to fight and stand for herself. If she is known to be my mate, she will be targeted by everyone, an easy target. "He said. Even though he didn't realize I  know he cares and loves her. "Then why did you whip her ?"I asked confused.

           "Your mate said she will be craving for death unless she tries to live her life otherwise. I have said something's to her and she just thinks of cutting herself...I mean I am an alpha so I can sometimes feel her emotion and she was thinking of dying while she was walking around, she wants to physically hurt herself. I did not have other choices than do it so that she won't hurt herself "he said, his voice fucking cracked for the first time as far as I know. "She is awake, you can go see her, "I said. He said his thanks and started walking away murmuring to himself why he did open up to me. I know very well the answer is he wants to lift some weight from his cold-hearted heart. 

            I reached my room and jumped to my bed thinking of how peaceful it is, which is rudely disturbed by my mate. "Baby, you know tomorrow me and Alena are going to go shopping...I mean I will ask David to put you as our guard" she said jumping on my back, sandwiching me with our bed and her body. I groaned and flipped her. I was about to say no, but she started giving her puppy dog eyes, which is my weakness where I couldn't say no for that. I sighed "okay, your wish my command my lady, "I said in a mock tone. She giggled, ah shit I will never get bored of this woman who is lying down under me. "You know I like this position way too much, "I said winking at her. She smiled before leaning forward for a kiss. I too leaned forward as our lips smashed.

            Just kissing her is so much pleasurable. I have marked and mated with her, but it was due to her heat. She didn't like that one bit. She feels I was forced to do that because of her scent, and I know it is a bit true as she went into heat within a weak after our meeting. We didn't know much about each other. She suddenly pushed me and got up from the bed. "What are you doing !?" I whined, I mean it was nice kissing her. She chuckled "I have work baby," she said waving her hand. Such a tease ...

           I stood up and started walking around the packhouse to see a very distraught alpha. I went over to him and sat beside him. "What's up, man? " I asked, knowing it would be about his mate. "Does seeing your mate eyes make you want to kiss her, and love her ?" he asked confused. I chuckled "yes and that's what mates are, our strength and weaknesses". He nodded his head as if it is new information to him.  As I pat his shoulders, I stood up " go and talk to her ". He shook his head. "She is still weak and she is not a luna material, "he said.

        "Seriously luna material? She is your fucking mate "I half said half screamed. "I know, but I will change her in my way. I will make her stand on her own, I will make her fight against whomever it is "he said. I know his way would be harsh, but I know for a fact that this is What could help that girl. His help will be needed for her to make her stand. I nodded my head. She is strong, the whip he used would make me faint in 3 lashes....but she fought her unconscious and lasted till 5 lashes.

        "She is strong, but it will take time for her to realize she is, " I said. He seems to be in his thought, his eyes seem to be distant, but he nodded his head at my words. "I know," he said as he started to walk out of the packhouse....probably to go for a run. I don't know when their love story will start....and I am waiting for it. Be aware pack sluts, your luna is so going to hate you. I thought to myself as I internally smirked.

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