Chapter 21

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Davids's POV

               I guess thinking of the future does make your present a waste. I should give us a try, I mean me and Alena. I like her, she is calm yet deadly, she is strong yet sensitive, she has everything a luna should have. When the warrior mocked her that she didn't bear my mark, my wolf lost it but before I can even do anything she took care of that. I felt her sadness through our weak bond. I should mark her, but mark should be placed when we love not because it should be done. I sighed "Let's go out for a walk?" I asked Alena as she is working with the omegas, to help them cook . She was surprised by my question but soon composed herself before nodding her head. As if she was having some thought "Yes David" she said. I guess my first warning to her still stays in that little head of her. 

              We started walking but both of us don't know where. "Do you want to talk or be silent?" She asked. I thought she was mocking me, but the thing is.... she is genuinely concerned whether I should talk or have some time to think about the present things going on in the pack. "Let's talk," I said as I took her hand in mine. Her hand perfectly fits mine, as if her hand is made to be in mine. "Have you had a boyfriend before? "I asked her . She raised her brow before shaking her head no. I let out a small breath out of relief that I don't have the need to kill anyone from my pack. "Tell me about yourself," I said as we sat in a bench, which is in the park. "Fine, My name is Alena Jordan. I have been this pack's punching bag since my mother died....because they blame me for my mother's death, which is true. I like green color which is your eye color too" she hesitantly pointed her finger to my eye as she stared at the ground, her cheeks turning crimson red in color. I let out a deep chuckle as I lifted her chin up "You like my eye color, so speak as you see my eye" I ordered as she gave me a small smile "My mother's name was Ella, I loved her and my father was my hero at that time. He was caring and lovable, never let anyone even raise their voice at me. I got new friends now, all thanks to you " she chuckled " I never watched Tv so I really don't know about the shows " she shrugged but I can feel how sad she is, she didn't get a chance to live her teenage-like every one of us does. "Tell me about you now" she didn't realize that she ordered me with her wolf voice which even makes my wolf bow to her. She is smiling like a small kid who is very interested to hear a story.

                    "Well, about me.....My father raised me like an alpha, I mean he never lets me have friends telling alpha shouldn't be friendly, they should be ruling. His training made me the coldhearted ruthless alpha I am now. My mother is a lovely women, I share mostly everything to her. I liked a girl who was bullied for a long time in my school, I thought she would be my mate but I got another one, her name was Jessica. She was power-hungry and I didn't like her one bit....but I feel guilty for her death because it was because of me " I said keeping my voice straight. Her mouth is wide open and she looked too cute "You actually liked me and you expect me to believe that? "I nodded chuckling. "You were rude "she stated "that's why you are like this now, strong and sexy" I retorted.

                   Whoa! Did I just say sexy,  oh shit "I mean.. you are just not are cute are actually "before I can finish she captured my lips with hers. I kissed her as if that's would be my last kiss, just I was about to deepen it "oh shit sorry, I came here for a walk " Tyler said raising his hands up, a devilish smirk playing on his lips. "Oh fine, you can continue your walk while we will continue our thing," I said with a smirk. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BROTHER ?!?!?" Tyler shouted waving his hands in the air . " um...we just kissed...I mean I just kissed him?" My mate said her face flushed. I and Tyler both stared at her before bursting out into laughter. "You guys continue your thing," he said before walking away.

                  I turned towards her before I can tell her I love her an intoxicating smell entered my nose, arousing me ." well shit, I am in my heat " she said. I can sense my wolf coming out to make her mine. I was about to give my control over my wolf, as the scent is really powerful and intoxicating . " take me to your room, the unmated wolves may sense my heat"  she said clutching her stomach, pain etched on her face. I snapped out of my arousing thoughts.

                I took her bridal style and started running towards my private house where there will be no soul except us, which I built for my mate and I. I set her in bed, my wolf pestering me to take her and mark her as mine. "I have to go, I can't control my wolf anymore " I turned to leave when she caught my hand. "I want to tell you that I like you, I liked you in school were the only person who treated me like you do know you treat people. You didn't treat me like a disease or an animal.. if you wish, mark me and take me" she said clutching her stomach tight "don't think I am telling all this due to my heat ". That's all I want to hear "I love you " I whispered before nearing her bed....letting my wolf's thoughts come true.....


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