Chapter 3

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          I woke up to a disturbing sound, I can hear noises around me, but I couldn't make out what the sound is. I couldn't open my eyelids. I slipped into darkness again. I woke again with the sound around me, but now I could make out voices, I tried to hear what they tell but I couldn't. "How long until she wakes up ?" A male voice asked. "Her wolf appeared yesterday, she is helping her to heal and wake up," another one said. It looks like the second one is a doctor, but the first voice, who is it?

         "Now did you get why she went into a coma just because she fell from a second-floor...I mean it is pretty easy for us to jump from there" the first voice asked, his voice had no emotion.

But it is very nice to hear that voice, it's very soothing to hear that voice. "I didn't get the answer for it, maybe her wolf is weak, I mean she is just an omega." I tried my very best to open my eyes.

       After a few seconds, I managed to open my eyes. It took another few seconds for me to adjust my eyes to the surrounding. I feel a bit dried up, I started trying to see whose voice it is. I turned a bit to see alpha David with the doctor. Wait a sec, why is alpha David here? I coughed to get there attention. Alpha David's head snapped towards my direction, I am surprised his neck didn't cut off due to the force he used to turn. The doctor checked my pulse and lend me some water to drink.

        I kept my eyes down to show my respect and submission towards my alpha. The doctor went out after a few minutes but alpha David still stood there. He cleared his throat before saying "look at me" he ordered. I slowly looked up to meet his eyes, my breath caught as well as his. We had a staring contest for a while before I turned to look down.

        I waited for him to reject me, after all, I am an ugly omega but here comes nothing. I know for sure if a lower-ranking member rejects a higher ranking member, the lower-ranking member may die. After all, I tried to die before, but even death hate me. "I Alena Jordan, an omega, reject  "I started but before completing he growled stopping me abruptly "You do not have any chance to escape from me, and you an omega reject me? "he asked amused his voice betraying his emotionless face. "I...I...I mean..I just...I just want to die " I said stuttering.

         "If you would have died without opening your eyes, I would have had a chance to have second chance mate, but now if you die my wolf and I die with you, so you are going to live just because I want to live. Understood? "He pointed out his finger at me. " alpha, "I said bowing my head down as his voice seems to be angry. I am thankful that he didn't reject me, because the pain would have been unbearable.

         I now clearly understood what he said, he wants me to live because he wanted to live, he doesn't like me, of course, he wouldn't like me. It hurts a lot deep inside my heart that he just wants me for him to be alive. "I....I...I just...Understood alpha "I said stuttering again. "Good" was his only reply before he went out of the room. It's painful, that he indirectly rejected me...I have to do something... I saw scissors by the desk, I took it and stabbed it in my thigh. I gripped the bedside and clenched my teeth to make no sound. Suddenly the door crashed open by alpha.

          "Why the heck I could smell blood here ?" He growled looking at me suspiciously. His gaze from my eyes slowly fell on my hands and the blood-stained hospital dress and the bloody scissors on the bedside desk. "Seriously, you stabbed your thigh? "He asked as if it is nothing. I just feel empty right now, my only hope, my mate who would love me is long gone now. I tried to see through his eyes but found emptiness, just like how I feel.

         I nodded my head as a reply. He started walking slowly towards me, my heartbeat picked up on its speed. "When I ask you a question-answer me with your mouth, I know you stutter and that gives me a reason to hate you," he said grabbing my chin and releasing me. He walked out of the room right before I could say yes. He hates me like everyone else.

         I wanted to cry or speak with someone else who understands me, my wolf, but she is too weak due to the repair of my body. I am sure my wolf would love me at least. All I just want his love from someone. Is it hard to love an omega? Is it that hard to like people who are inferior to you?


            Hey guys!! I hope you are all good and I hope you like this story so the far....this chapter is over. The last question in this chapter is for every people in this world...


          Let's continue Alena and David you all


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