Chapter 17

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I was patiently sitting beside David waiting for the potion, but I can feel myself growing nervous by each minute passing. "Here. It may not taste good, but you have no other option " Rachael said handing me a cup. I didn't risk seeing inside as I finished drinking it in one go. "Woah," I said before the taste of the potion spread all over my tongue. "Your face looks funny" Brian laughed at my face but my mind and body are focused on my wolf and also my body reactions. "Alpha, she is going to shift again and Brian I may advise you to keep your mock comments to yourself if you want to see your mate again" I heard Rachael telling Brian. I smirked at him when he motioned his lips to be sealed. "Let's take you outside," David said before lifting me and taking me out to the woods.

David set me in the middle of a large empty ground. I see all of them, I mean these three of them staring at me curiously. Just I was about to say staring is rude, I felt my bones crack and bend and bulge out to take its wolf form. I screamed in pain as I fell on the ground panting for air. I was relieved from the pain for a mere second before all of it started again. I screamed gasping for air, I see my hands changing into paws and golden fur rising out of my body. I closed my eyes for a minute and opened it to see myself standing in four paws. I gave a wolfy grin, my wolf felt pride seeing all of their mouths hung open. "You should keep this as a secret or else there will be consequences," Rachael said walking away from the place.

Brian winked at me which led David growl at him. He raised his hands in mock surrender walking away. David within seconds changed into his grey wolf which is, of course, larger than me. He reached me and started rubbing his scent on me, licking my muzzle he growled in satisfaction when he sniffed me, where my whole body is covered by his scent. I stood there like a statue enjoying his touch. Without warning, I started running away from him, it's my wolf who started running actually. I gave her control where she enjoyed playing chasing game with David's wolf. We played like that for a while before we both got exhausted and walked towards our packhouse in wolf form.

I saw Chloe walking into her room, I followed her slowly. Once we reached her room " Why are you acting weird lately, I mean really really weird?" I asked her. She just shook her head before walking away again. I was about to follow her when I saw a very distressed Tyler. I walked towards him "What happened to you now ?" "Its Chloe, she is acting really weird," He said walking with me to terrace. "You know how much I love her, I couldn't even let her out of my sight for more than an hour. I will die out of panic if I couldn't reach her when I really want to see her. I don't know why she is acting weird though" He said his voice filled with sadness. I nodded not knowing what to do. He sighed before walking away from the place.

"Hey, I am sorry... ...actually.."Chloe sighed coming to sit beside me. I hugged her to comfort her "I am pregnant" she whispered in my ear. It took me a few seconds to realize what she said "what" I whispered back before examining her face for any joke. I squealed before hugging her back tight. "I am going to be an aunt soon" I shouted jumping up and down. She smiled at me ." I didn't tell anyone are the first one to know" she said after a while. I nodded now more excited than before as I am the only one to know about the baby in the whole pack...

Her hand soon went over to rub her stomach, her mouth curled into a small smile. "I am happy,  for the first time after a very very long time," she said eyeing her stomach. "Tell your mate about it," I said moving closer to her to touch her stomach. "I am scared...I mean...will he accept will he accept his baby?" she questioned her voice wavering with lots of emotions. "Are you kidding me? He will jump from here to heaven and come back ryte down to kiss you after he hears this" I gave her one last hug before she started going back.

I ran after her, "Hey Chloe, stop right there" I screamed before she entered her room. She stopped in her tracks and turned towards me. I kneeled down in front of her and kept my ear near her stomach. "I couldn't hear anything" I whined pouting. She chuckled at my expression before making me stand up by my ear. I pouted even more "don't you dare start acting like a mother" I warned. She started grinning from ear to ear "no promises" she said before walking away. I grabbed her and kneeled down to kiss her stomach. "I am your aunt Alena, you are going to spend more time with me than your parents, you champ" I chuckled thinking of it. "Not fair" she whined.

"Fine now you go to your mate" I pushed her to her room and walked away to David's room. David is nowhere to be seen in the room, so I searched for the book which explains about me, I mean golden furred wolf. I got it after a few minutes in his bedside drawer... I opened it

        The golden furred wolf

The white wolf is known to be created by the moon goddess. They say they are blessed if they see one in their life.  The white wolf seems to get to speak with the moon goddess whenever the moon goddess wishes to. The white wolf is blessed by the moon goddess......

The golden wolf is known to be a relative of the moon goddess. The golden wolf can be anyone who is related to the moon goddess, the moon goddess may be the golden wolf's mother, father, uncle, aunt, grandparents or the one who is in the start of their family tree. The golden wolf when seems to be the correct time attains some powers over the elements of the earth. Fire, Wind, Water, Rock. The mate of the golden wolf gets some powers too, depending on the mate's character...

The golden wolf is known to be one to get angry very easily. If they lose control to its wolf, the person's eyes changes to pitch black but when his/her rage is in extreme she/he starts to see red, her eyes becomes bloody red which would make people cower away. His/her growl could cage someone's wolf for a few years. The golden wolf's rage is nothing people want to face. When their eyes see red they lose control and start killing anyone on their way...

It is always best to not get their anger get over their head if they do not want the repeat of the previous incidents. The golden she-wolf named

       "What are you doing?"I heard David calling for me. I turned towards him closing the book and keeping it in its place taking a mental note to read about the golden she-wolf. I will be lying if I say I am not curious about the golden she-wolf...

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