Chapter 29

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Brain's POV

          I woke up in the hospital bed feeling a bit dizzy. 'Our mate is gone' my wolf said me with a sad tone. 'Why aren't you going crazy?' I asked 'I want to avenge my mate's death...if I go crazy I will kill myself and I am not that stupid. You need me too' he said which made me smile, a sad one I might add. 'I am awake' I said in pack link. Doctors barged in looking at me as if they're waiting for me to go crazy. I sighed "Where are alpha and luna? I asked irritated by their looks. "Are you alright?" Chloe asked warily. "Do you think I will be alright? If you're asking if I am still sane then yes I am not going crazy " I snapped for which she nodded.

        David entered the room and  I frowned "Alena is fine right?". "She is asleep...she lost it and her wolf was about to come out so we have to drug her," he said and I nodded. "What's the plan?" I asked and he said he will talk to me about it. I went out and started running, my wolf begging me to let him out. I shifted into my wolf and let my wolf take control. He took me to the place where we first kissed under the moon goddess blessing. I shifted into my human form and took the shorts which were hidden under the nearby tree.

        I lied down staring at the sky which is beautiful. I closed my eyes thinking about that day.

       "Hey Brian " she smiled as she walked to me. Her smile which always makes me smile. "Hey Kace," I said nervously. I asked her to be my girlfriend yesterday and she accepted to be my girlfriend. I was literally flying when she accepted to be my girlfriend. "You are nervous " she giggled. I scratched the back of my neck and nodded.

       "Let's go out today?"I asked "sure..should I dress formally I mean like a date?" I shrugged "casual is fine," I said "You look beautiful in anything " I mumbled. She smiled before kissing my cheeks and walking away. She is my love...I am sure I will reject my mate if that's what I should do to live with her. Today I will make sure she will be smiling all the time...

        "Are you ready?"  I asked her standing in front of her room. She nodded smiling, I took her hand and intertwined our fingers. I wish we stay together forever like this. We started walking together talking about school, life, and general things.

          "Do you love me ?" I asked her suddenly stopping in the middle of the woods. "I never have been loved by my parents and I really don't know what it means...but you showed me what love is. I do love you" she said, her face turning slightly red. "I love you more than anything in this world" I whispered as I stared into her eyes.

         I bent down a bit as she leaned forward hesitantly. "If you don't want to kiss no problem. We will take it slow." I whispered as our lips are mere inches away. She inhaled deeply before staring into my eyes. "Kiss me already" she muttered and that's what I want to hear before I smashed my lips on hers.

        I sighed getting up from the ground. I love her and only her...there is no person in this world who can replace her. Even she is dead the memories will always keep her alive. People say she is dead but I don't feel like that at all. 'Are you alright' Tyler asked in mind link 'I am fine' I said in return before blocking them all. Should I join her too? I mean after knowing who killed her and how she died...I should join her. That's how soul mate works right? You live I live...

        I walked to the packhouse staring at the ground. When I reached there all I see is mates hugging, mates kissing, mates smiling my wolf whined but he just blocked me going to the very corner of my head. "Hi there," Tyler said before hugging me. "I am really fine," I said to him hugging back. He patted my back "take some rest" he said smiling. I nodded my head walking to my room and to be frank I am not ready to face my room. Her scent will hit me hard and I am not sure I can control my wolf after that. I walked to David's room "David,  can I sleep alone tonight...I mean not in the packhouse but anywhere" I asked him politely and he nodded "take my private can have it for as long as you wish" he said giving me the keys.

          "You don't have to have gamma blood you may have second chance mate," Alena said making me clench my fist.  I gritted my teeth "so that's how you do? If David dies you wait for your second chance mate and live happily with him?" I asked which made David growl loudly for my disrespect. For some odd reason, my wolf didn't even respond to his growl. "I am sorry" I heard her whisper sadly before I stormed out to David's house.

         I sighed as I lied down on the bed. "I miss you Kace so very much...please come back to me. You have promised me you will be always there by my side and you hate to break promises.. please co..come back. Pl..please" I sobbed staring at the ceiling. I stood up because I know I can't sleep at all tonight...I mean I got used to sleeping with her and now without her, I cant close my eyes.
'Get some sleep' my wolf ordered. 'I can't' I whispered to him. 'Don't argue and close your eyes goddamn it. You can at least look your mates face when you close your eyes' he snapped at me. I thought for a minute before closing my eyes as I dreamed every fight of us, every kiss of us, her smile, her voice...

        Hope you guys like this ch...😁
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         Lots of love💕💕💕💕


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