Chapter 1

16 1 0

The days are getting shorter and the darkness is starting to flood the streets taking the happiness and laughter with it. The children have started to run and hide to prevent their souls being overturned by the shadows. Children cry instead of playing once they have been soul stripped. They are alive but not living. Parents are trying to survive and protect the babies and children that walk the land but they cannot protect them all. They need help. The children need a....... HERO. But this isn't a fairy tale or make believe this is real life, reality doesn't have the hero's that you read about or see in films. Reality is a dark place and only the small parts of the world will have brightness and not every person's reality is the same for some people they hold dark secrets that they will take to the grave. People that know me say that I am the bright light that dampens the darkness but others would say I am the darkness. 

So I am going to tell you about my life and how I became a special one, the one to bring back the light. My name I Lily and I am 16 years old and I wish to tell you about my life.
It was 2010 I was messing in the ruins of the old church when I noticed this dark figure lurking around one of the grave stones. Curiosity took over me and I found myself walking towards this clouded figure. As I became closer the shadow or person walked away from the stone. Once I approached the stone that this figure had vacated, I turned to look at the name I noticed something familiar. The name on the stone was ' Violate Parker'. The name wasn't familiar in the sense that I knew the individual it was more of a feeling that I had when I saw the name. It felt like this grave was a grave of a family member. Violate Parker......Violate Parker I repeated the name a couple of times to try and reconnect some sort of conclusion to why I was having this weird feeling and vibe to a grave of an individual that I never knew. A tree branch rattled behind me so I span round to see that it was and standing in the shadows of the trees and gravestones. It was the same black figure that was standing where I was not less than 5 minutes ago. The shadow looked familiar and this strange pull came from inside me, drawing me to this dark figure. It was as if my body and this unknown sense was telling me I could trust the figure and that it wasn't here to hurt me but to guide me.
At this point I heard Jeremy call my name so I turned around to find him walking towards me. Panicking I shot my head back to where the figure had been and noticed that it was empty and the shadow had disappeared. Jeremy was stood right behind me when I turned around. He asked if I was alright as I looked spooked. Apparently. As usual I simply replied 'yes, I'm fine' like I always do. You'd think that Jeremy my best friend would realize the pattern but I'm glad he hasn't after all I don't need anyone's help I'm fighting an unknown battled that I have to do alone. After standing for another few minutes I said to Jeremy should we go to the lonely hearts single party tonight? I personally hated these things but Jeremy loved them so it was an easy kill to distract him and myself from the fact that the darkness was becoming more persistent and the shadowed figure that I kept seeing.

8:45pm we arrived at the party 1 hour late as I couldn't find the correct outfit that said 'yes I'm single but no I'm not lonely about it I couldn't care less.' Although that not saying I'm not open to meeting someone it's just that I need to figure out what's happening to me.

After getting myself a drink I noticed this girl staring at me. Weird right. After a while she came up to me and said I was lucky. I didn't catch her name but I did ask her why I was lucky. She replied in a calm but angry voice if that's even possible 'you're lucky because you're going out with Jeremy, he's so nice and yet you've taken him. I'm so jealous of you so are all the girls'. I couldn't help what I did next honestly. I just giggled. After a while I noticed her giving me evils so I stopped immediately and said ' I'm not going out with Jeremy he's my best friend a brother not my boyfriend. If you want me to I can introduce you?' She smiled a proper American smile and said 'Yes, please. I'm sorry about before call it the green eyed monster'.

I turned on my heel and took this girl to Jeremy where I left them to talk as I went upstairs to one of the empty rooms. I walked to the window thinking that there would be a light switch as that was the location of the light switches in the houses in my home street. Weird and strange. Anyway, as I went to press the button something outside caught my eye. It was the shadow again. But it was just stood by the trees looking directly at me. I wanted to run down stairs and go out to this shadow to try and get some answers but I knew it would have disappeared by the time I got there. I don't know what happened or how it happened but when I closed my eyes and whispered a mantra I felt this strange bubbly feeling all over my body.
Not thinking anything of it so I opened my eyes and to my surprise and shock I was outside where the figure was standing. I thought I was dreaming so I pinched myself and it hurt so I thought I was dreaming but them someone or something grabbed my arm. I spun round to find the shadow grabbing my arm and trying to pull me into the woods. I let the figure pull me into the woods as I was trying to work out how I had got outside within a blink of an eye. After I had snapped out of the shock I noticed that I was being directed towards the graveyard. So I pulled my arm so that I would be free when the shadow turned around and said 'Lily-James you don't need to worry I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to explain your heritage and help you come to terms with your powers. As the darkness is coming and you're the only hope the children have to stop the soul snatching'. I replied by saying ' I don't think I made much sense with what came out of my mouth next so try to understand if you can. Are Violate....Violate Parker. Were you the one standing at her grave? Why do I feel this weird pull when I'm around you?' The stranger replied 'Yes, I am all of these things. My name is Violate Parker and I was standing at my grave earlier, I like to visit and see how my resting place is. The reason why you feel the pull is because we are related I am your ancestor and I am going to help you come to terms with the fact that you have magical powers and you are going to save the children'. 

A/N If your enjoying this chapter drop me a comment and let me know your thoughts. :) 

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