Chapter 22

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I see her standing so close to me but yet so far from me at the same time she looks amazing even more beautiful than she already is. She must have designed and created the dress herself as its unique and totally her style. I love her so much and I can see her desire for me in her eyes and I hope she can see my desire for her in mine. To think that in the next hour I will be a husband and she will finally be my wife, my life and my eternity.

For the first time in my life I am going to be a wife and I couldn't be surer of anything in the world. I pull myself out of my thoughts and back to the reality that is my wedding the vicar has asked us each to say our vows as we wanted to write our own so that we could show everyone what we feel about each other and because we didn't want to have the same wedding vows as thousands of others.

James went first and he looked nervous, 'Lily, I met you a couple of years ago back in the day when I was a player and a bad boy and you didn't want anything to do with me. Actually if I remember correctly you denied me at my every nearly every attempt I made. I hated that and yes I also loved it, after a while something changed and we found so many similarities between us and our pasts and now our future. I knew deep down that our paths were entwined together. I have loved you since the day I met you and I will always love you. I will protect you; give you strength when you need it and even when you're not sure that you do. I am your friend, your lover and soulmate. But as this is our wedding day and we are in front of our friends and even our family and I think it is time I told them something that I think they need to hear and understand about our love and connection. I was a broken and dark hearted man before I met this beautiful women and if she hadn't fallen in love with me then I wouldn't be the man I am stood her today I would probably still have a dark heart. I owe her my life, my heart and my whole soul. So today not only am I going to marry my friend I am going to give you something....a promise. I promise from this second forward I am going to remain by your side no matter what our future has in line for us and we will conquer the world together. I love you baby... forever in my heart and soul'. 

By the time he had finished I was crying and trying to calm myself so that I would be able to start my vows to him, I was also smiling at the fact he winked at me when he said our family in his vows. Lexi grabbed my hand and said 'It's alright to cry and show your emotions it's your day do as you wish.' I nodded and mouthed a thank you to her and then turned back to James and started my vows to him. 'For a few years I have depended on you for nearly everything and in times I have depended on you without me even realising it. You have had to keep a secret of your own for years and then when we met you had to keep mine but to think that my biggest promise for you and show of my love for you is take that burden away from you so that we can start our life's new. I have been a witch since the day I met you and I think that is one of the hopefully many reasons why you love me. I trust you with everything and I come to you about anything with my magic, whether it is a new spell that I need to test or just for support. (I take one of this hands in mine). I love you so much and I am always going to be grateful to you for being with me and not leaving even through the times I have tried to push you away. You turned an independent and loner into someone who is so in love that she wouldn't be able to survive anymore without you in her life, for that I am thankful to you and I want you to know that I am completely in love with you. I also think it is important for you to hear from me that when we met I did find you attractive but I was playing hard to get as that's what my dearest friend Lexi had told me to do.' 

James was smiling at me and he turned to Jeremy his best man grabbed my ring and then turned back to me and put it on my finger. I then did the same but from Lou and then put it onto his finger.

The vicar looked at us both and then said 'You may kiss the bride.' I looked at James and he was looking back at me with a new glow to his eyes and pulled me close to him and then lifted up my vail. He wiped my eyes and then rested each of his hands on one of my checks. I moved my hands to his coat and was about to pull him to me when he pulled me to him and landed the most passionate and yet gentle kiss on my lips. He was kissing me gently and I wanted more it was my wedding and I was going to be greedy with him, forgetting that I was standing in front of my family and friends. James pulled back and I just looked at him, he turned away slightly pulled me close to him and that's the first time I noticed our surrounding. We were no longer at the wedding and I was no longer with James I was in a new land that didn't look right.....

Everything had been destroyed and I was stood outside the town I once called home, I looked around me and everything was dull and dark. I spin my head back around and noticed and old building that had a light on, it was the house I wanted to live in with James. I turned towards the house and made my way inside. The front door was already open so I slipped inside and slowly and carefully walked further into the house. It wasn't small but at the same time the house wasn't big. Only one light was on and it was pulling me towards it. Once at the door I opened it and then stopped in my tracks.

A pregnant women in her early twenties was in bed and a young man who looked a little older was sat beside her holding her hand. I looked at them both and that's when it dawned on me, I was in the future the women in the bed was me and the man next to her was James. I took a step closer into the room and that's when this light appeared. I was still in the room but this time Violate was with me and so was the pregnant me. I didn't talk I just listened to Violate explain 'This is going to be very confusing for a short time but once the process is complete you won't remember this part of your life, the journey of your wedding day to you being pregnant, you will forget that apart but you will remember your marriage to James and how happy you both were and the battle against dark side. You will remember what the world decides for you and as you carry on with your life more and more of your past will become clear.' Both myself and me nodded and then Violate said to get back into our positions only she told me to stand closer to the older version of me and that the older me should raise her arm out to me. Like she was offering me her hand and it was my job to take it. I took a step closer and raised my hand too but just before I took hold of her hand I said to Violate 'I'm so glad I met you all those years ago, stay by me always.' I turned back and took hold of her hand and everything went white, my body faded and my soul was pulled into my other body, pregnant me, before my soul was completely in my new older body I heard Violate say 'Always' and that was the last thing I heard.  

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