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Hi just in case you weren't sure it's me James, Lily's husband and the father to her baby. She lies still in the bed again and I miss her, she had only just woken up and now she has fallen back into a deep sleep. She is breathing fine and her pulse is strong but I can't help think that something went wrong when that blast of light happened 20 minutes ago.

We had just started talking and then that girl appeared I could have sworn it was Lily when she was 19 but I can't really remember for sure. It feels like a whole life time ago, meeting her for the first time, falling deeply and madly in love. I still fall deeper every second that I am with her and I know that this baby is going to make my love for her stronger. 

No, I can't think like that Lily is going to wake up and the baby with have both parents and we will all live happily ever after. Besides we have had enough heartache in this family and I will not let my family be taken away from me. I am looking over her like a guardian but I can't help my dark thoughts of the battle and what I could potentially lose.

I place my one hand on her belly and with my other I hold her hand. I want her to feel me and to realize even in her unconscious state that I am here with her and that she is not alone. Leaning down I rest my head on the bed and start to sing softly to her and the baby. I never sing but Lily loves my voice and it always makes her smile.

'If you can hear me,

Please wake up and see me,

I love you so much dear baby,

You can't leave me or our family.

I won't let you go; your heart is a part of mine,

We are one half of a whole,

Over love is eternal, our flame will never die, 

From now and forever, eternally entwined. 

I repeated these lines creating my own little song to her and hoping that it would turn into some sort of prayer and keep her with me. I still had he letter that she had written for me just in case she died in the battle against the darkness. She told me I could read it but I don't want too, if I open it then I have admitted defeat against nature and I will never do that. You probably think that's ridiculous but it's not. Lily has magic and as a part of that magic she comes from the earth, that's why she can harness the natural powers as well as others, Lily is actually at one with nature. They are one of the same. So if she was to die then so would some other parts of the world and why the earth would kill a part of itself.

I must have fallen asleep as when I look around the room again there is rays of sunlight shining into the room. Daylight has finally come back to us proving once and for all that the battle against dark side is truly over and my Lily did her job. I got up and looked around the room for the first time since the battle. The room looked dull and empty; I needed to make it looked nicer for when Lily woke up. I had some work to do, not just in this room but the whole house. We had been living in the dark world and let it consume everything including our once perfect house. The walls to our bedroom were once a sunset orange but now they are grey and the paper is falling off. I knew I could just stay at her side all the time like I wanted too. I needed to do something proactive, so I got up letting go of her hand and searched in the cupboard for one of her grimoire's.

 I found the right one hidden under the floorboards in the cupboard. This was Lily's most treasured spell book; it was the one she planned on giving to the baby. The book contained everything beautiful in the world that we both agreed on. I flipped  through the pages until I stopped on the page 'Flowers are the key to beauty' this was one of Lily's creations....obviously, it was about flowers. I knew this was a good spell as I could use it for the front and back gardens. I didn't have to worry about magic and being careful as the village was deserted and everyone knew about our powers. I walked out of the room closing the door behind me and then out onto the front porch. I looked out to the garden it was truly disgusting, all known wildlife was dead. I took a deep breath and said the very girly spell. 'Daisies, Lilies and Violates too, any color they will do, make my garden beautiful too' I don't know what she was thinking with the last word but it seemed to work. The grass was a beautiful green and the flower beds were full again with Lilies, Daisies and Violates it was truly beautiful and so like Lily.

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