Chapter 6

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Jeremy was moaning about him and Lydia as they had broken up so he wanted to find someone new at the party so that he wouldn't feel so sad and I just wanted to leave him to it so that I could get a beer or something to drink. Personally, it didn't surprise me that Jeremy was looking for someone new after only a little while of him and Lydia breaking up. He always did the re-bound thing and sometimes it worked other times not so much but it was his coping mechanism. So who was I to judge.

I turned and walked away as fast as I could. Don't get me wrong I love Jeremy but he can be really annoying especially when he's so called heartbroken. I got to the beer stand without being interrupted and I had just poured myself a beer when some shouted my name. I turned around to see Erin and Ellie walking towards me and by the look on their faces I knew that there was something that they wanted from me. Before they reached me I had drank my beer and I had grabbed a can of coke. Not wanting to drink all night I decided to have one and then drink coke. I just smiled and waited for them to reach me.

Once they had they smiled and both asked me how I was and if they could have a catch up. Not wanting to be cruel or nasty I said 'sure'. We chatted about what we had each been up to over the past couple of days and then they dropped the true topic of conversation. There true purpose for wanting to talk. Erin asked me 'So Lilly what going on with you and James'. I don't know why I looked so shocked I secretly knew that was the reason they were talking to me. I mean yes they are my friends but they were just jealous an hoping it was going terribly so that they could have him. But the truth to it is that it wasn't, me and James was happy so I replied to them both with a smile on my face. 'It's going really well, thanks for asking. He's actually on his way here to meet me.' Erin's smile faded slightly and Ellie said 'That's great news. Besides you've done well in taming him. I mean he's not so much of a bad boy anymore. But I guess he is still a bit of a loner.' 'I wouldn't be so sure of that if I was you' I replied with a smirk on my face. After a moment I told them I was going to have a look around and chat to some other people and made my way to the balcony upstairs on the second floor. I texted James to tell him where I was so that we wouldn't waste time looking for each other. My main reason for going onto the balcony is because I'm the only one who can access it as I know the owner of the house and they told me were the key is kept.

The balcony was great. It had a beautiful view of the back garden the forest and the distant lights of the town. It was a very romantic spot really and it made me smile as it hadn't crossed my mind when I came up here. Suddenly, I heard the door to the balcony open and then close and I turned around and jumped when I saw Leo, Tammy's older brother standing their staring at me.

Me: Oh....Hi Leo. Tammy's down stairs with Erin and Ellie.

Leo: I know. She told me that you were up here all on your own. So I thought I would keep you company.

Here we go again, another guy trying to be a hero.

Me: That's very kind of you Leo but James is going to be here soon, so there is really no need.

Leo: No problem. So why are you up here all alone?

Me: Just admiring the view.

Leo walked toward me and stood so close to me that I could hear his breathing and feel it on my face.

I turned slightly so that I was looking out at the view so that I could try and look for a topic of conversation and silently pray for James to turn up as Leo sort of made me feel uncomfortable.

Me: So Leo I think I'm going to go in search of James. Thanks for the company. See you later.

I turned around to leave and Leo grabbed my arm to pull me back. He pulled so hard that I nearly fell of the balcony. Not that it would have killed me as I would off used magic but it still scared me. This was so frustrating, it's just like the whole Tyler thing and having him hit on me. I prayed that this wouldn't be the same thing.

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