Chapter 4

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Past 2010.

I found the darkness lurking on the outside of the cemetery and I had to face it alone, Violate couldn't leave, as if she got hit then I would be alone to fight the darkness queen. So it was all on me I didn't have a clue on what to do but I knew I had to trust my instincts. I channeled the earth and natures magic so that I could harness enough pure power to weaken the darkness. Taking a step outside of the protection spell I had to imagine and let my magic run freely through me so that I could protect myself from any attack that the darkness could use against me.

The darkness throws a soul catcher at me but my magic destroyed it so that gave me the strength and the confidence in myself to complete the task in hand. I raised my head looked at the darkness and said 'Tenebris lucem hauriunt'. The magic spiraled away from me in a wave of mist and power until it hit the darkness. The darkness shattered into lava and became over taken by some light. This made the dark soul of this gloom and shadows disappear from around the graveyard and the local areas. Showing that I have the power to destroy the darkness once and for all as long as I can create a strong enough spell that uses light magic.

I was in a haze for a while after casting the spell so I teleported to my room at home so that I could quickly change my clothes and get back to the party and hopefully not been noticed by anyone so I can say I was just walking. I looked at the time and it was 8:30 I had been "so called walking" for 45 minutes I needed to get back to the lake. Grabbing a denim skirt and a strapless top I teleported by the lake in the woods. I walked through the woods and made my way back to the bomb fire and noticed James sat down talking to some people. I walked over to the cooler and grabbed a beer and got caught by this girl called Lisa.

She knew James and she said that it was so unlike him to have a girlfriend and that I shouldn't trust him, but to be honest I had more important things on my mind than James and if he was trust worthy. I managed to distract Lisa and make a run for it so that I could be alone and away from everyone. I found myself a hiding place by the side of the lake on a fishing dock.

It was peaceful by the lake and the moon was reflected in the water. Giving me enough light to see across the lake but not enough to be noticed by other people.

I heard some rustling behind me so I turned around half expecting it to be James but it wasn't it was a guy I didn't know. 'Hi my names Tyler. Didn't you like the party?'

Me: Um...not really my thing not knowing anyone I mean. So I thought I would sit on my own for a while. Oh my names Lily by the way.'

Tyler: Well it's not my thing either. Mind if I join you?

He had already sat down next to me before I could answer so I had no choice in the matter really. It was awkward for a while as I didn't know what to say.

Tyler: So why did you come to a party were you didn't know anyone?

Me: Well it wasn't planned by me I mean my.....boyfriend planned it and didn't tell me so I was sort of stranded here.

Tyler: Makes sense. So your boyfriend as you put it, who is he?

Me: Excuse me. Why are you so interested in who I'm with?

Tyler: Well it's just you seem way out of everyone's league for the guys here I mean, so I'm assuming it's a lie to get me to leave you alone.

Me: First of all I don't lie. I don't see the point of it and second although it's none of your business I'm here with James.

Tyler: Really! Out of all the people I wouldn't have put you together seeing as he's a player and everything but I guess your relationship is casual.

Me: Is this why you're sat here to find out all this information because if that's the case you can go now.

Tyler: Well it wasn't my original intention but seeing as I think you'll like it.

He leaned in close to me as if he was going to kiss me when I heard someone coming towards us.

Me: Do you hear that?

Tyler leaned back to see if he could see something. I was grateful for the distance from him.

James: Hey, Tyler what are you doing here?

Tyler: I was just having an enjoyable conversation with Lily.

James had come to sit behind me on the dock so that I was sat between his legs. Awkwardly Tyler shuffled back so that he wasn't so close to me. I felt better with James here but I couldn't stop thinking about what Lisa and Tyler had said about him and our relationship.

Tyler interrupted my thoughts when he said 'So James how's everything going with your player status'

James: It's not going as I'm not a player, I am a one women man and this beautiful girl is mine so I don't need anyone else as long as I have her.

Tyler: Oh she didn't say to me that you were dating. She made it sound like she was single.

James looked at me and then back to Tyler and said 'Well we are'.

I stood up at this point and said 'nice talking to you Tyler I really enjoyed your talk about the party. See you later James.'

I started to walk off in the direction of the bomb fire so that I could get another beer when I heard James running up behind me shouting my name. As I didn't want to have a fight I stopped and turned around to face him.

He looked confused and worried and I couldn't work out why. I had told Tyler that I was with him and he just confirmed it so I didn't understand what his issue or concern was about.

James: Hey. What's going on I haven't seen you all night and then I found you talking to Tyler. Then as soon as I come and sit with you, you decide to leave. What's going on?

Me: Look I have a lot on my mind at the moment and I just wanted to be alone. I did tell him I was with you he just made it sound like I didn't. I went for a walk to clear my mind and then went home to change my clothes and something's came up before I could make my way back. I spoke to Lisa and Tyler and they gave me some information that I need to think about and that's it.

James: What did they say? I'm sure it was about me, so tell me.

Me: Look they just told me about your player history. It's not that what has gotten me distracted its other things. I just need to sort something's out. Okay?

James: Look I used to be a player but that was before I met you. I don't want that life style any more I want this new one with you. Okay?

I knew that I needed to change the topic of conversation and I also knew that the things I needed to think about would have to wait as they weren't important.

Me: I believe you. So do you want to come with me to get another beer?

James: I'd love to. Also you look really hot tonight.

I smiled my new shy smile. That weirdly enough I have only started using since I met him. I stayed with James for the rest of the night just talking and having fun by the bomb fire. It helped a lot spending time with him. I didn't need to think about what Tyler or Lisa had said to me about him and James told me everything and put things into perspective. Making me feel more comfortable and worthy of him. Also in some un believable method Tyler saying that I was out of everyone's league helped me as well.

It was really late by the time I got home from the party, so I just went to bed. James of course gave me a lift home and made sure that I was okay and happy, with everything that had happened with him and me.

Waking up the following morning however, was nearly impossible. I can honestly tell you I felt like I had been slapped by a whale and then eaten and then spat back out into an iceberg or something.  

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