Chapter 11

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Past 2011

I lay down on my bed and turn on the stereo and let the sound of Celine Dion fill my room. I wasn't a huge fan but I listened to her when I was upset and needed a reason to cry or when I was trying to forget the world for a while. I liked it in my room. The peace, serenity and safety that I felt. A knock on my door pulled me from my thoughts. 'Come in' I shouted. The door opened and behind it was James. He said that my parents had gone to bed. He didn't move from the doorway, he just stood there in the middle of it. It confused me as he already knew that he was sleeping in here so why would he just be standing there. Is he waiting for me to invite him in? Man he was confusing. I stayed on the bed for a while just staring at him before I stood up and made my way to where James was stood. His eyes never left mine they just followed me as I made my way to stand right in front of him.    

    Before he could talk I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into my room. Once he was in my room I turned around so that I could close and lock the door, James turned as well so that he was facing me. I took a step back so that I was leaning on the door. One leg bent and resting on the door and the other on the floor. James took a couple of steps towards me so that there wasn't any space between us and rested his one hand on my bent leg just above the knee and the other he put on the left side of my face. I leaned my head into his hand. We stayed like this neither one of us saying anything, just watching each other.

   After what felt like a lifetime I said 'Kiss me' in a whisper. A puzzled look crossed his face and for a split second and I thought he was going to ignore my plea. Then his lips can down and kissed me, violently. We were all tongues and touch, every inch of our bodies were touching and the heat of the kiss was radiating through my body. Giving me more energy and strength to kiss him back just as violently. Before I could stop myself I was undoing his shirt and pulling it off and James was lifting my top off. I didn't care about it being romantic I just wanted him here and now.

    I was now stood in my bra and skirt and James was in his trousers. He looked so hot. Before we did anything else, James pulled away and said 'Are you sure about this? I don't want you to do anything you don't want too. I have waited a year I can wait another.' But the truth is I had been sure about this for months and I always thought he was the one who wanted to wait until we were in a romantic setting but honestly I couldn't think of a more romantic place. Than in the here and now with the man that I love. I took a deep breath and said 'I love you' and pulled him back down to me so that I could kiss him. Within seconds James was lifting me up so that my legs were wrapped around his hips and then he was carrying me to the bed. He lay me down gently and then came to lie down half on me half on the bed. We kissed for a little while longer and then for the first time in my life and his. We made love.

    The light has started to fill the room pulling me into consciousness and I want so much to stay asleep but as more light fills I start to open my eyes. I look around and for a moment everything seems to be the same and I think that what happened last night was a good dream. It wasn't though I soon realized that I was completely naked and had an arm draped over me. Oh man it was definitely not a dream and that I had indeed slept with James. I started to panic not about sleeping with him but about my parents, what if they heard us. Oh man what if this changes things for me and James. I carefully untangled James arm from me and quietly made my way out of my bedroom and into my bathroom. I turned on the shower and brushed my teeth. I think I'm in shock as it still feels like a dream. I mean I wake up in the morning every day, thanking my lucky stars that I have only been dreaming and that my boyfriend isn't the player, loner who everyone wants, to have sex with. It just seems unreal.

   I step into the shower, and enjoy the feel of the hot water run over my skin. I am aware that I haven't locked the door to the bathroom and I think its force of habit, plus James was a sleep so I didn't really worry about him walking in on me in the shower.

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