Chapter 16

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Past 2012

By this point it was already 8:15 pm meaning we were already running late. I pushed James off me and grabbed my clothes of the floor and rushed into the bathroom. Remembering to lock the door behind me so that I could get dressed and ready to leave without James distracting me again. Once dressed and suitable I unlocked the door to find James sprawled on the bed dressed and ready. I walked straight towards his door and shouted back to him once opened and half way down the stairs 'Come on then or do I have to ride my bike and find a new date' there was no movement for a little while so I thought maybe he wasn't coming and that I would have to ride my bike so I carried on and when I got to the front door I waited for a moment, to see if he would be coming or not and then left the house. I walked slowly down the drive towards my motor bike that James brought me and then grabbed my helmet from the compartment under the seat. I then put the helmet on and then climbed onto the bike. I fished the keys out of my jacket and put it into the ignition and started up the bike. I was just about to make my way down the drive when I heard James shout to me 'Hey, wait up! You're not going to a party without me and you're definitely not getting a date.'

I smiled at him and slide back on my bike so that he could drive. Before he could climb on I grabbed his face kissed him and then said 'I don't need nor want anyone else. Okay?' He kissed my nose and then got onto the bike and pulled away from the drive onto the road.

The journey was calming; having the nice breeze against my skin and cuddling up to James was always a bonus.

The journey from James's house to the lake was only 15 minutes so in all fairness Jeremy would probably be expecting us to arrive at 9 as I was always an hour late. But to be fair I was only late by half an hour so I didn't think it was that bad. After James parked, he got of the bike and then offered his hand to me. I took it willingly and got of the bike. We walked hand in hand to the center of the party so that we could get a beer, you're probably thinking drink driving is a no go but we were staying the night in one of the 4 cabins.

You see the old man who owned these cabins, was really cool and when Jeremy and I were kids he would let us play up her in the cabins and in the summer we would help him out. It was really fun, collecting the wood for his fire, passing nails to him so that he could fix things and generally helping him whenever we could. So when he died he left 2 cabins to each of us. Jeremy had the 2 cabins on the one side off the lake and I had the other 2 on the opposite side. Jeremy comes up here all the time but this would be the first time in a while for me as I couldn't bring myself to do it before as I missed Gerald too much. Gerald was the name of the man who used to own them. Luckily, for me though Jeremy made sure that all the cabins were clean and tidy as he didn't want me to come up here when I was ready to find them dirty or broken.

Once at the party site we both grabbed a beer and sat down on one of the log benches. James rested his hand on my knee and I sat there with both of my hands on my beer bottle. We didn't talk about much only how I had really enjoyed the day and that I was so happy to be celebrating our 2 year anniversary. James agreed with everything I said. Although when the topic of music came up we had a little disagreement, but we shook that off by laughing when we saw some people trip over one of the log benches. We must have been sat down talking for about half an hour when I noticed Jeremy stood by the trees. He looked different, wary or something. I tapped James on the knee and said 'Hey, I'm going to find Jeremy, I will text you later to find out where you are. Love you.' Before I got up I gave James a kiss on the check, then made my way in the direction of the trees I saw Jeremy outside off. Luckily, he was still there. Before I could say hi to him he had already started 'Hey Lily, how are you?

Me: Hi Jeremy. I'm fine thanks. So what's going on in your life?

Jeremy: Not a lot. I have been thinking about placing an advertisement in the newspaper for a new best friend.

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