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Mina P.O.V:

*warning: slight smut*

Me and Chaeyoung quietly lay in our room, it was just us.
The golden sundawn reflected on her  soft face, her eyes glistened, the honey breeze slid into our noses.
Her eyes, delicate and stunning took a flight around my face,
"Mina-rin♡, you're so pretty☺!"
A small warmth crept into my heart,
"Thank you Chaeyoungiee~!"

I stood up for a moment, and reached through the floral cabinets. I moved my hand around inside.... Finally!  I found my favourite perfume and the aroma burst out into the room as I sprayed it.
The aroma wasn't strong, not weak either, it smelt.... Rosy! Either way,,,, I think it smelt nice :)!! Then again, I lay in bed facing Chaeyoung.

Looking over, Chaeyoung gave a faint smile and laughed,
"Oh, you're so girly Minaa~~ :') "
I giggled back.

At this point, I grew a strange fluttery feeling in my stomach and my eyes keep wandering around her lips... I'm not too sure what is was but she made my heart race more than ketchup..... Crazy.... Anyone could tell that Chaeyoung was beautiful,,, but to me she was different. She'd always make an effort to talk to me, even when I forget to speak when with the rest of the members.

She really cared for me.

Looking intensely in her eyes, I wrap my arms around her smooth neck,

"Chaeyoungie, what do you think about me.....? " I questioned.

A slight pause. 

She lightly pecked my arm around her neck and giggled,

" I think you're amazing Mina-rin♡,,, and..... "

Another slight pause....

"And?" I asked, giving a faint smile

"If.... If you keep flirting with me like this, I might turn out to really like you...............!" She averted eye contact and lightly blushed.

... It did happen to shock me, but it really made me want her. It was weird.... Suddenly all of our title tracks make sense to how I was feeling... Definitely not a TT right now :).

Removing my arms around her neck, I dominate her cheeks and pull her cheeks lightly, giving myself a subtle laugh.
"Pfff, you're so cute Chaeyoungie!! "

Chaeyoung looked back at me, making a pouty face. Suddenly I-




She leaned onto my face, her lips gently touched mine. She blossomed like a flower next to me, her lips were a young harlequin rose, our breathing matched and it was surreal. She was ethereal. I wanted more. I felt something go down  below but I was too concentrated on our kiss.

Slowly and gently, she took her lips off of mine, shaking,
"Am I so cute now?" She asked

"Aa,,, Sorry, I didn't ask first....!!!" she then remarked

Pff, how cute.


Like her, I pulled her in for a kiss,  my tongue dominating hers, my tongue was almost melting in her warmth. My hands took a flight around her youthful body, going places I've never touched before. Each touch,  every second, I savoured within was special to me. I started to bloom for her, everywhere I touched, I claimed.

We crossed every line and boundary, however everything stopped in that moment, and the only thing that mattered and moved at that time was us.
Our body was soon as one, our parts spilled like honey,  she was the pollen and I was the bee.



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