2yeon (3)

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Jeongyeon P.O.V:

Why can't I relax?

It's none of my business.

But I stood, watching Nayeon practising her vocals.

I was stunned and dazzled by her performance, she was amazing.
Still heartbroken and upset about her boyfriend ruining us more.
As she glanced at me, I looked away, afraid and miserable.

She catched up to me, and turned myself to her, holding my face with one of her hands.
She looked worried and upset.

"Jeongyeon!! " she cried "Did my boyfriend say anything to you?"

My stomach churned.

"You knew?" I reply " You knew he was going to hunt me? "

"Nayeon,  you have terrible taste in men..." I say, with a tear in my eye.

"I'm sorry ... "  she sobbed

"Jeongyeon, I must've forced you into so much stress and melancholy" tears poured from her doll-ljke eyes.

She placed my hand on her waist,

"You can have my body ... It's the only thing I'm appreciated for. My looks and my body... You can play with me all you want... That's all what people want nowadays, even my boyfriend."

"No, Nayeon. Haven't you fucking figured it out yet? "

"I'm in love with you Im Nayeon, it's a fact, you're here selling your body to me when I--"

I couldn't say anything, like someone was halting my mouth, something invisible. Like something stopped my sound.

-her boyfriend stood.

her boyfriend stood next to her suddenly, looking down on me. Everything went dark.

"So, I let yer' off once. Ain't doing it twice, little girl. "

He spitted on my face, my head turned to the dirty ground.
Nayeon leaned against her boyfriends body unwillingly, she looked scared yet I knew. She was hurting.

My heart sunk like an anchor.

"Y'know what? Since I told yer' once. I'll tell yer' twice, and it'll be the fucking last time, yer' got me ?" he smirked.

His eyes swirled with ferocious lust, my body froze, as much as I wanted to walk away - I couldn't  ......

"Bend, you fucking whore. "

Tears cascaded from Nayeon's eyes. My body stood stiff, my heart hurt.

She bent, her boyfriend unzipped his pants and without hesitation, he pulled up his skirt. To a shock, Nayeon wasn't wearing underwear.

"Well, well - as excepted from a lil' whorey" he chuckled

I saw his balls hanging out, his dick was an unpleasant sight and I wanted to barf.
Nayeon mouthed to me secretly,
" pl-ea-se do-nt wa-tch"

He penetrated Nayeon and my eyes were filled of fucking terror.

How dare he do that my Nayeon?

I had the courage to finally push him away and hit him as much as I could---- I was too weak. I struggled to fight him off Nayeon, I was a desperate vulnerable dog  with a broken leg.

He pushed me off, and I was there on the floor, injured .

Everything went fuzzy.
All I could feel was someone's touch.
Something embracing me, and something screaming and yelling.

"Jeongyeon, I'm sorry. You'll never forgive me. But all this time I loved you, my family is in debt to this guy. He said if I sold my body to him, my family can live a happy life. I'm sorry. The truth is, I love you too.... I thought if I could make him and I official,  maybe you'd find someone new and you'd forget about me...."
Her voice shook
"The truth is ... I caught a disease from him, I'm going to die in a matter of hours or minutes.

You're in the hospital.

But I love you.

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