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A group of friends sat in a coffee shop.
Sana, Tzuyu, Nayeon & Momo.

"Should we try the pocky game?"Momo asked.

"Pocky game? Like anyone brung pocky!" Nayeon laughed

Momo smirked and reached her hand under and up again.

"Seriously, Momo!" Nayeon said

Momo gave a mocking grin,

"Who's doing who?" Tzuyu asked

A small pause, thinking of who to pair with.

"If we're doing this, we better kiss!" Sana casually said.

"Wa-what?" Tzuyu stared in awe.

Nayeon's gummy smile showed and Momo giggled.

Tzuyu facepalmed, " God, you're like children...."

Sana chuckled, " Tzuyu, you're so cute♡"

Momo handed everyone a pocky stick, Sana stared into the depths of Tzuyu's eyes.

It was almost like Sana was telling Tzuyu to 'come here' with her own bare eyes, it was flirting in her own way. Tzuyu and Sana stared at each other, both in their own world.

Sana cautiously, stuck her pocky stick into Tzuyu's mouth, surprisingly Tzuyu didn't back off.
They crunched further and further into depths of each other.
Crunch crunch!
Small crumbs fell off each bite, Tzuyu was trying hard to conceal her nervous smile.
They got closer and closer, and finally their lips touched whilst their mouths were full of breads tick crumbs.

Tzuyu's soft, smooth lips embraced the exterior of Sana's enticing, honey lips. Tzuyu's lips took on a midas touch from Sana, her lips to gold, her hair touching her wooden chair like treasure. They were both millionaires in that slow, paced moment they were given.

They both backed off, trying to conceal their grin.
Tzuyu was blushing slightly, Sana just averted her eyes and bounced her puffy cheeks.

"Coffee is here!" Nayeon sung.

They ate and drank away.
Sana couldn't finish her mocha and tried to convince Momo to finish it for her.

"Momo, pleaseeee."

"Yaaa, I might be eating mountains every day, but I can't drink anymore!" Momo cried

Everyone on the table was so full they started bloating.

Sana sighed, "I don't wanna waste this drink though....!"

Tzuyu snatched the coffee cup and chugged it despite bloating.

"Thank me later." Tzuyu rolled her eyes.

Sana surprised, " I'll thank you ten times later" she smiled.

Tzuyu looked at Sana and then away, blushing.

"Whatever." Tzuyu replied.


It was the end, Nayeon and Momo left to return home together and forced Sana to take Tzuyu home because she was the youngest.

It was a bright day, Sana and Tzuyu walked in awkward silence.
Sana kept glancing at Tzuyu awkwardly, seeing if she wanted to talk but no. Sana slowly.... Slowly, placed her hand on Tzuyu shoulder.

Suddenly, Tzuyu brushed her hand off, Sana looked away giving a sad face.

As they almost arrive at Tzuyu's house next to the station.
They had to wait until the train finally goes through so they can cross.
The lights boom in and out, crowds and crowds of people stock up in the area, conversations piled up almost that people can't hear each other.


The train starts to scuttle past, coaches after coaches it still hasn't stopped, the enduring long sound that devours your ears.

"Thank you for today!" Tzuyu yelled

Then, Tzuyu walks up to Sana and kisses her on the lips, with all the emotion she had. Every regret Sana had, disappeared and vanished. In that time and moment, they spun love from straw and lived like millionaires in those hundreds of seconds.

The train finally got through, and Tzuyu left to go home.

Sana felt as if she won the lottery. ♡

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