jeongmi (2)

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The members of TWICE went on a minibus to their airport to get back home.
It was still, quiet and peaceful.
Jeongyeon and Mina sit together.

Peaceful, autumn honey slithered through the air. Mina's head rested on Jeongyeon's shoulder.
The golden sun shone and highlighted their faces vividly.

"I feel so safe with you Jeongyeon. "

"You do?" Jeongyeon smiled at Mina

"I don't know how to describe it... "

"Yeah, it's fine. " Jeongyeon smiled and gripped onto Mina's hand even tighter.

They glance at each other's eyes,
"Are you tired, Mina? "

"Not at all." Mina replied

Jeongyeon giggled and reminded Mina of how less shy she became since Jeongyeon met her.
They continue and laugh about the precious memories they shared.

They cuddled on the bus, they had no care in the world for anything else.
"Chocolate. " Mina said
"What about it?"
"I have chocolate chapstick. "

Jeongyeon's cheeks tinted into a feverish red,
"Wha-What? "
Mina grabbed and pulled out her chocolate chapstick.

"Let me feed you it.... I'm not the best, but I saw people doing this in dramas... Can I try it....? "

Jeongyeon reluctantly hesitated in one moment, but nodded her head with a faint smile,
"Yeah, we can. "

Mina smothered chocolate chapstick on her lips, covering every small bit with its substance. Jeongyeon and Mina locked eyes for a second, preparing for the feverish moment to bounce. Mina slowly embraced Jeongyeon's soft lips, Jeongyeon devoured the substance of chocolate little by little. Licking every corner and every part, time stopped as if it was nothing for them. Jeongyeon had wanted every part of her, their hearts stimulate and beat as one in that time of love.

Jeongyeon bounced back, slowly facing Mina, looking back at what deed she's committed to Mina.
Jeongyeon faintly smirked at Mina, Mina just laughed for a bit.
Mina's chocolate chapstick on her lip was completely gone.

Jeongyeon arrested Mina with her arms, at peace and complete with herself. The puzzle pieces were complete and set free from its struggle, time didn't list in the dictionary in their moment of time together.

As Mina was locked onto Jeongyeon's arms, both of their eyes were closed.

Mina chuckled, " You're very touchy, Jeongyeon. I don't mind it at all though. "

Mina pecked Jeongyeon on the cheek and they quietly giggle.

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