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jeongyeon pov:

I lay in Momo's arms resting in her warm embrace, I just finished doing all our chores and I even cooked for her! I really wanted to be the dominant one in our secret relationship, but when it comes to her I can't seem to resist her. I look up, at her stunning face, she smiled faintly at me and me, surprised I had averted my eye gaze.

My heart was thumping really loud, it was going crazy but I attempted to remain calm.
"What's wrong Jeongyeonnie?" she warmly grinned

"Nothing..." I lied

"You know, I'm thankful for all the things you help and do for me, I really am." she laughed

I just stood on standby, listening to what she'd say next.

"I want to repay you somehow." she continued

She then hugged me tightly, from behind.... I — I could feel her breasts! Her breasts were warm and really soft, they were really big and her arms were smooth and pretty. I turned sideways, meeting her face.

You know what? Fuck it.

I smooch her lips and dominate my tongue over hers, we brawl and intertwine our tongues. Her soft lips touched mine gently and we played with each others tongues. We were then lost in this bittersweet frenzy of ours, lost in the -the moment and time of pleasure and love.

We continued this every time I finished cooking for her, I didn't mind it at all. I really liked it. I was so lost in her, my cheeks go feverish red whenever I look at her. My heart too. I really love her.

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