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Chaeyoung P.O.V:

Another day, another night.
I walk down the streets of Seoul, holding my cup of coffee and walk fashionably. I hear my phone buzz in a loop.
A message request?

Who is this?

@minasharon332 :

Hi, you're Chaeyoung
from my math class
right? :)

Math..... Class? Wh-What the heck?
I know everyone IN my math class except this Mina Sharon girl!!!

I over think for a minute, analysing everyone in my class - there moles, eye shape -  everything...

Ah.... I recognise her a little by viewing her instagram profile....

@minasharon334 ,   311 followers
[             ]
15, ☔Seoul

I scroll down onto her feed....

Wa-woah!!!! She consistently gets around 20 likes on each of her posts... She's elegant, and gorgeous, why would she get only 20?
I reply to her message,

    Hey, yeah it's Chaeyoung
haha ;) , you can call me
chae/chaeng tho.

Oh,, okay☺!!
How're you doing?
And what are you doing?
Are you okay?
Wahh- sorry for bombarding
You with questions!!!😥😥

I'm kinda busy right now,
instead of asking me...
wanna see and meet me?

She had read it and waited 10 minutes to reply.

sorry for caps.... *

We met up at a bubble tea shop.
We ordered our drinks together and sat on a round coffee table in the shop. I smile at her faintly,

"How'd you find my account?" I asked softly

For a moment, she just sat there, her eyes bulged at me, as if she was scared of me.....

"Uhm.... On my suggested....? "

I pop the question,
"Are you scared of me?" I asked sweetly, my dimples showing.

She turned all shades of pink,

"N-no!" She cried

I laughed,
" Sorry if I startle you or anything, I don't mean to.... I mean,  who'd want to startle someone as gorgeous as you?"

Her shades of pink went electric and blended into the shades of velvet red. Her eyes averted everywhere like something moving.

" Thanks....!!!" she thanked,
" actually, I wanted to ask you something! "

"What is it?"

" There's a math worksheet,  I'm working on! Uhmm.... Would you like to help with it? I'm stuck on it a bit.... W-Well kinda... You don't have to help me if you don't wanna. "

"I wanna help. "

So, time passes and I assist her.
Equation after equation, we finished. As I step away from her, the slippery ground took me ill!  I fell down onto her, pinning her almost. I accidentally pull up her blouse halfway.

She drew an equation on her stomach?


I took the initiative,

"Do you want me to solve this equation for you? "

Her face fell ill to peach pink,  averted her eyes back and forth..... And nodded.
I giggle,
" Mina, you're so cute! "

I press my lips onto hers, my body locked ourselves together in these seconds of brightening ecstasy. We glowed like millionaires.

Even then, when we kissed. She was still blushing pffff!
She pecked me on the neck and kissed me all the way down.
I sit on her lap, my legs around her and rest my head onto her shoulder.

"Chaeyoung, would you like to be mine? "

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