jeongmo (1)

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TWICE were happily eating in the dorms, after everyone finished.
The usual stayed to finish everything.
The usual, ah yes the usual.

Two girls munching on a starry night, trying to defeat each other to see who could eat the most. Everyday.

"Pff! Jeongyeon is the lOOosERr!! Woo! "  Momo happily screamed

"HAA? I ate way more when we didn't start the competition!" Jeongyeon retaliated

Nayeon entered, holding a plate full of strawberries,
"Wow, you guys really don't know how to stop.... We have a plate of strawberries for everyone, you guys can have this. Remember to share. "

Nayeon left.

Jeongyeon smirked with confidence at Momo.
Momo just cackled.

Suddenly and yet quickly, they strike for the first strawberry. Devouring it quickly and striking like lightning for the next one.

They finished, it was.... A tie?
"I bet you cheated. " Momo tackled.

"HAA? Yeah right! We just need a deal breaker pff!"

"A deal-breaker?"

They sat in silence,  overwhelming with thoughts.

"Right, uhm. We have ice cubes in our freezer. We could see who could melt it first..." Jeongyeon grinned "If you're smart enough to melt it I guess."

Momo hissed playfully, "PFF WHATEVER. "

They hand one ice cube to each other and tried whatever they could to melt it quickly.
Momo stuck it to her neck and Jeongyeon sneakily moved to the kitchen.

Momo followed and before Jeongyeon could deposit it,
"Cheater!" Momo cried
"Ugh, whatever fine...."
Jeongyeon left the microwave alone and just sucked on the ice cube.

Momo had noticed and smirked.
Momo started sucking on the ice cube too, looking to Jeongyeon's eyes and playfully mocking her.

Jeongyeon moved closer, and moved her lips to Momo's.

"Suck on this, loser.... HmpH!"

Jeongyeon moved her ice cube around in Momo's mouth, Momo's cheek turned into a fiery pink and as much as she wanted to resist, she didn't want to at the same time.

The ice cube switched places using their tongues, and melted like a candle in their mouths. Momo held Jeongyeon's body closer,
"Just because you whip out this new technique doesn't mean you'll win!"

They sat there, embracing their tongues and lips for the whole night, even when the ice cube melted. The starry, pitch-black midnight sky glistened on their competitive faces.

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