Chapter 29

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POV: Third Person

Blood pulled into a puddle around the machine as everyone stared at the hump of metal in horror. (Y/n) had killed herself... Sans' eye sockets went pitch black as he stared at the machine and the blood. G was using his magic to strip the metal of (Y/n)'s body but it was taking too long. Frisk stood in horror as the tank of determination was the only thing that managed not to get crushed by the machine slamming into the floor. "For fucksakes Sans help me! Sans!" G screamed in panic as he attempted to separate the metal chunk by chunk. The more he tried it seemed the bigger the puddle became. Frisk ran out of the room screaming for Alphys and Undyne and returned fairly quickly with both monsters trailing closely behind. "What the hell happened in here!?! Is that... Is that (Y/n)?" Undyne's skin looked immediately paler as she started grasping the situation in her mind. Rushing over to the machine Undyne began tearing at the metal, assisting G in his attempted to save her. Sans stood at the control panel still silent and unmoving as panic and horror continued to fill the room. Letting out a sigh Sans raised a hand, eye glowing blue and started helping in the takedown of the machine. "She knew this would happen... She planned it all." Alphys whispered from her place by the door. The small dinosaur started shaking her head and crying as everyone silently prayed that (Y/n) was still alive. A scream broke out as G lifted the final scrap the was covering (Y/n)'s body and revealed a mangled and almost unrecognizable girl. Alyphys ran from the room unable to stomach the sight. Frisk turned away frightened by the violent sight. Sans' eyes were still dark, no light seeming to glow within the darkness that radiated regret. Undyne dropped to her knees and stared at the body, and G looked for her face but couldn't exactly locate where it started and ended. "She's dead... Isn't she?" Frisk's voice was almost silent as she whispered into the cold and silent room. No one answered her question, but the silence was answer enough. "You are no longer my brother, Sans. All she wanted was for you to care about her, even if it was just a little bit, but you couldn't do that, could you? Now look at her, is this what you wanted? Are you happy now you asshole?" G was in Sans' face now, but the skeleton gave no response as his eyes remained dark and body unmoving. Frisk turned around as pale as a ghost and slowly makes her way to the tank of determination. Opening it up she drinks it and feels rejuvenated, but frowns. Warmth fills her skin yet she still feels ice cold.

"Welcome back old friend... Did you miss me? If I'm being honest I much more preferred (Y/n) over you, she was a fighter. Not that you aren't one, but she had more potential of bringing this world to ruin."

Chara's voice slipped inside Frisk's head and she ignored him as he nagged at her. Walking over to Sans and G Frisk placed a hand on the both of them. "There's no bringing her back G... Not unless I reset or go back to the original-"Frisk's sentence was cut short as she heard a groan come from the other side of the room. Undyne screamed and backed up as a red heart floated out of (Y/n)'s body. Everyone glanced at each other in horror as (Y/n)'s mangled arm reached up and grasped the heart. "Sans I thought her main trait was perseverance?" G also looked to Sans for an answer and the skeleton said, "The machine must have left her with some determination... Guess she didn't plan to stick around but since the machine wasn't finished it malfunctioned and stored enough determination to keep her alive." G turned to go (Y/n)'s aid when in an almost unearthly voice she said,


A/n: I'm just going to spam you guys right now to make up for the weeks I've been inactive so enjoy! Love you all so much <3 <3 <3

JAE AWAY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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