Chapter 35

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POV: First person

I felt like I was falling.

Opening my eyes I see light peeking in from the window. Did I sleep all day and into the next? Sliding out of the bed I walk to the mirror by the door and look at my messy (h/c) hair and cold empty (e/c). I had seen better days, I would see those days again. Behind me in the mirror I saw a little note lying on the floor near the door. Walking over to it I stoop down and pick it up reading the pale blue ink on the paper.

"Good morning miss, I really do wish you could've come to our celebration last night. The reciting of the seal is wholly symbolic and a very big holiday here in Laria. Any-who, breakfast is all set and ready down stairs whenever you're ready. Oh and due to our holiday all public transport will be suspended for the week, sorry about that. I hope you are and will continue to enjoy your stay at the Laria Inn."


Setting down the letter I walk back over to the bed and curl up on it. It's only Tuesday, I'll be stuck here until next week! Groaning I drop my head into a pillow and let out a muffled scream. When I lifted my head again I saw a sheet of brunette hair and a pair of red eyes staring right back at me. Letting out a small shriek I topple off the bed frightened. Boyish laughter filled the room, my head. "Aw man you should've seen your face!" Chara said in between his fits of laughter. Shooting up off the ground I glare at him. "Great, you're back." Chara stretched out on my bed and propped his head on his hands. "Miss me (Y/n)?" A smirk plastered onto his face. I wanted to smack that smirk right off his face.

"No I did not."

"Jeez, and here I thought you'd be glad to see me considering I bailed you out of that very risky situation."

"You didn't do it for me, you did it for your own gain."

Getting up off the ground I walk over to the small dresser and open my bag sifting through trying to figure out what to wear. I pulled out a simple white tank top and a pair of blue jeans. "True, but why does anyone do anything if not to gain something from it?" Turning back to face Chara who still lounged on my bed I rolled my eyes at him. "It's called being selfless, you should try it sometime, I'm sure you'd benefit more from it." he just shrugged at the statement and began picking at his nails, bored.Conversation over I supposed. Sighing I grab the clothes and head into the bathroom for a shower.

. . .

Heading to the dining hall I kept myself on high alert. Chara casually strode beside me, hands in his pockets and occasionally having his attention grabbed by a painting or ornament that hung in the halls. "Is there a reason you're not brooding in my head. Why are you following me around ghost boy? It's one thing to hear you, but it's another to see you." I say as I rake my fingers through my still damp hair. Chara laughed before replying, "What? Can't I keep you company?" I stopped walking at that. "Why exactly do you feel the need to keep me company?" Chara's face lost all traces of humor as he said, "Because I was inside your head last night, while you slept. I can hear your thoughts while I'm in there you know? Feel your pain, see your fears." my stomach dropped at the words.

"Well don't listen to my thoughts, can't you block them out or something?"

"If I could I would, but the next best thing is just for me to be outside of your head."

"Fine, then forget I even said anything about it." My cheeks grew warm as I continued my walk to the dining hall. Chara fell into step beside me and was silent for a moment before saying, "Don't get all moody now, you look really ugly when you pout, you're even uglier when you cry." Red hot anger swelled up in me and I leaped to throttle him but he vanished and appeared behind me. "Relax (Y/n) jeez, your temper and tolerance gets shorter by the day I swear." He snickered and continued down the hall. I stood there fuming. I followed after him, every step I took I thought about how I was going to strangle him sooner or later. But what I didn't see was the smile that now dawned on his face as he walked ahead. 

A/n: Hey guys! hope you enjoyed this chapter and I am so very excited to release the upcoming chapters for the Laria story arc. Very soon some interesting and possibly shocking things will be revealed, but all in good time. Thank you so much for reading and voting! I love you all soo soo much <3 <3 <3 

JAE AWAY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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