Chapter 4

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POV: First person

Laughter fills my ears as I bake waffles in the kitchen. Frisk is probably here again for the what feels like the hundredth time this week. As I fry up some (insert breakfast side) I hear someone walk into the kitchen behind me. Turning my head slightly I see G grabbing some waters and juice from the fridge. "Mornin G." G was about to speak, but we both heard Sans tell Frisk a pun. Frisk giggles uncontrollably along with Sans while Papyrus groans. G never returns my morning, but hurries out of the kitchen to rejoin the group. Returning my attention to the stove I continue cooking in silence feeling a little depressed. Was I becoming irrelevant?

Once I finished cooking I made myself a plate and began eating alone in the kitchen. One thing that the boys never get tired of me doing is cooking, thankfully I made enough for everyone. Just as I finished eating Sans walks into the kitchen. Standing up I set the dish and silverware into the sink. "Hey (Y/n), is everything okay? You've been kinda distant this week." Letting out a sigh I go back to my seat and motioned for him to come take a seat. Sans is my best friend aside from G; he always listens when I have problems with G.

"Whatever I tell you must never be repeated to anyone else, understand?" Sans nods and waits for me to continue. "I like G." Sans gives me a pretend shocked expression. "(Y/n), everyone knows except G." I make an "o" shape with my mouth. Are my feelings really that obvious? "Then you can probably guess why I've kinda been doing things on my own then." Sans chuckles and shakes his head. " There's no way G likes Frisk. If he did like her I'd have to beat some sense into him because you're the one he depends on all the time. His other half." I smile at Sans, a real happy smile. "Really?" Sans nods his head, "Really."

Standing up I thank Sans for the talk and walk into the living with him following close behind. "Hey guys I made breakfast." G, Papyrus, and Frisk hop up and head for the kitchen. "Thanks (Y/n)." G says walking around me and into the kitchen. Sans looks up at me with the "I told ya so" look on his skull. Heading back into the kitchen I stand by the sink watching everyone dig in. Sans went to sit at the table and motioned for me to follow. Pouring some juice for myself I sit beside Sans enjoying the sound of the rapidly moving conversation. "Sweetheart, can you grab me the syrup from the fridge." Smiling a bit I go to push out of my chair, but Frisk was already up and grabbing it from the fridge.

Looking to Sans he had a shocked expression on his face. My smile instantly fell to a frown. "Thanks dove." In that moment it felt like I was shot. Sweetheart? Dove? Looking to Sans again I see he's looking at me with apologetic look. Tears nearly flood my eyes, but they were gone as fast as they came. Standing up I push in my chair and somehow calmly walk out of the kitchen.


POV: Second person

Sitting at the desk inside of your bedroom you have your earphones in playing a random song of one of you splatify playlists. Quietly humming to yourself you do some rough sketches of the dt extractors' external and internal appearance this has been your private project for the past 2 years. Ever since you were informed about the late royal scientist, W.D Gaster, you have been immersed in his work thanks to Sans and G.

Pulling open your secret snack stash drawer you reach for something, but your hand is met with the hard wooden surface of the drawer. Looking down you see it is completely empty. Groaning you push out of your chair; grabbing a sweatshirt to pull on, along with a pair of jean shorts you grab your wallet and head to the convenience store. Walking quickly down the steps with your music still playing in your ears you swing open the front door and close it behind you.

Luckily for you the convenience store isn't too far away, but since it was mid afternoon a lot of cars were out on the street. Standing at a crosswalk you wait for the lights to switch; it was taking a really long time. When you saw your chance you quickly ran across the street and into the convenience store. Letting out a sigh you walk through the small aisles looking for your favorite candy/drinks/chips etc. Quickly gathering up a few things you pay for all of it. Walking out of the store with bag in hand you start to head home, but you hear yelling coming from down the street... The skele bros.

Sprinting in the direction of the yelling you speed around a corner to find G and Sans about to fight, with magic. Pulling out your headphones you yell at them, "What in the hell do you two think you're doing!?!?" both of the boys turn around in shock. Dropping the bag in your hand you stand in between the two skeletons. "Why are you two fighting?" silence falls after the question was asked. Becoming irritated you give an exasperated look. "No one wants to answer me? Fine, go ahead and fight." Moving from in between Sans and G you go back to your bags to pick them up. Just when you were about to leave your heard a scream come from G telling you to move. Turning around you're met with a force that blasts you back into a car.

Your vision was slowly fading in and out, but you could here both of the boys screaming in panic. Letting out a laugh you close your eyes and breath out, " Why don't you guy ever listen."

You fell into unconsciousness...


A/n: Told ya things were about to get spicy XD But anyways hope you all enjoyed this chapter; don't worry, more updates coming soon. Love you all soo much <3 <3 <3

Jae AWAY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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