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Note: I don't own PJO nor HOO. All credits goes to Rick Riordan for these two wonderful series. Credits to the artists of the pictures used in the cover.


~3rd person POV~

Above the skyline of Manhattan, the Empire State Building stood in magnificence. A secret lies on its whole structure - obscured from the eyes and consciousness of mortals. Its elevator served as the gateway to the building's 600th floor. Impossible, right? For it has no 600th floor. But again, mortals don't see and know things that really existed in this world. Things that the mortal minds could only consider unreal. For if they do, these will drive them to insanity.

On this building's impossible floor, a magnificent and glorious palace stood. Olympus. A palace bigger and grander than any architecture known in history. Indeed, no architecture can be compared to this palace. But what is surprising is not the palace itself, but the beings that dwell in it. Gods. Powerful and immortal gods and goddesses of both the Greek and the Roman mythology. Beings of no imagination; but of reality. Gods who helped shaped the mortal civilization. Gods who brought life and death to the mortal history. Gods who still existed out of mortal consciousness.

In the palace's throne room, stood the 12 thrones of the 12 major gods. The Olympian gods.

Zeus, king of the gods and god of the sky, thunder and justice.

Hera, queen of the gods and goddess of marriage, motherhood, and women.

Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquake and father of horses.

Demeter, goddess of agriculture.

Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty.

Apollo, god of the sun, healing, music, poetry, prophecy, archery, and truth.

Ares, god of war

Artemis, goddess of hunt, maiden hood, and moon.

Athena, goddess of wisdom and strategic battling.

Hephaestus, the smith god and god of of fire

Hermes, the messenger god and god of commerce, speed, thieves, and trade.

And Dionysus, god of wine.

Other than them are the other two major gods, who do not have their thrones standing in the throne room.

Hades, god of the dead, Underworld, and riches beneath the earth.

And Hestia, goddess of hearth and home.

They are lords of their own domain and power. Masters of the weaker gods, the minor gods.

Tonight is not your typical Olympus night. The stars above shone in their brightest state. Joyful music and singing can be heard all over Olympus. The savory smell of food wafted in the air. Gods and goddesses in their best attire laughed and talked wholeheartedly as they thronged in the palace courts. Seated on the thrones are the Olympian gods, best dressed among all and glowing in power. They watched and joined in merry, boasting about their prowess. Demigods gathered around, exchanging stories about their quests, and making their godly parents lift their heads in pride. Satyrs and centaurs crowded the banquet table, drinking wine in pleasure and showing off to the nymphs. Laughter and music filled the air.

Finally, Zeus raised his hand and everyone silenced as their attention fixed on him. Music paused and those who are crowding the banquet table stopped eating. He looked at Hera who nodded with a smile and he stood up. Everyone waited patiently for the king of the gods.

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