sweet dreams

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Tonight had been 3 long months coming!  Tonight he would be home.  Tonight you would see his face, touch him, feel him touch you.  But you still had to get through today.

You had been standing in your closet for an hour.  Picking the perfect clothes.  Had he seen this dress?  Wait, should you dress for knockout looks or for ease of removal. 

Your heartbeat sped up at those thoughts.  You had been dating Jimin for a year.  The bad thing was, because of his job you had actually only spent weeks together on the same continent. And the times he was in the same city he worked so hard your time together was precious.

He was such a kind person.  His looks had people stopping on the street to turn and look at him.  He got teased a lot because of his height, but when  he hugged you from behind his chin rested easily on top of your head.  He was a dancer and his body showed the hours he worked to perfect his choreography.  He walked with a sway of his hips that was all feline grace and sexuality. But his face….his face had been carved by the Angels. Full lips drew attention to a mouth that demanded attention, kisses, licks…..

Despite his stunning looks you had come to look deeper, learning he was as beautiful inside as he was outside.  The two of you could spend hours talking.  He would listen intently and ask questions to better understand whatever your idea or concern.  He was PRESENT when he was with you. That made things a bit easier when you had to be apart so much.

He was a gentle and inventive lover.  At times He was as intense in your arms as he was onstage.  Other times were filled with love play and laughter.

All this thinking of him was not helping the time pass any faster. What clothes?  Crap….what underwear.

You had showered and lotioned and perfumed your body already.  Your long hair had partially dried.  You braided it loosely over one shoulder, hoping for “beach waves” when you took it down.  You padded around in your old fuzzy robe.  Pick out something already, you muttered to yourself.

You checked the time.  Because of the nature of Jimin's job, travel information was basically classified . Even working for the company you were only given broad information.  Tonight the group was supposed to return by 7:00 and be secure at the compound by 8:00. To be safe you planned to start getting ready at 6:00.  It was now 5:00.  Time was crawling.

You stood there cursing how slowly the clock was ticking . The alert tone on your lock chimed.  Someone was keying in your security code.  “It's probably Xuan wanting to borrow my black skirt" you thought. You tightened the belt of your robe and hurried to front door.

As you reached the door it swung open.  All breath left your body.  Standing in your doorway was Park Jimin. 

Note:  Thank you for reading.  Jimin is a VERY talented man- as you will discover in the following chapters.  Please leave me a note.  I would LOVE your feedback and suggestions

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