Chapter 6

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You had set your alarm for the usual time the next morning. You fought the urge to turn it off and ignore it when it jangled you awake. You turned to stretch and saw Jimin nestled in the pillows. Looking at him brought back the heat of last night. Your body was still tender and your breasts ached.

You simply stared at him for a moment. His tousled hair and angelic face made him seem much younger in the bright morning sun. You gently traced his lips with your fingers, then leaned in for a kiss. He softly kissed you back and sighed. He really looked so tired. You rolled away from him to get ready for the day.

You showered and fixed oatmeal for breakfast. Since you were basically on call today you finished your make up and pulled your hair up neatly. You had clothes ready suitable for any meeting that might be called. So now you waited.

As you were finishing cleaning up your breakfast bowl, you heard noises from the bathroom, then the doorway to your room. Jimin stumbled into the room. His hair was on end and he had found his glasses. He was wearing the sweats you had brought down for him. They rode down low on his hips. Today was a no underwear day. He had his tee shirt in his hand. His chest and stomach simply took your breath away.

The physicality of the tour had developed his upper body until it looked chiseled. There was a prominent line defying each abdominal muscle. His v line had been made famous on this last comeback. You simply wanted to trace it's entire length with your with your tongue.

As you were enjoying looking at him, he was looking around the room, getting his bearings. As he finally saw you in the kitchen his face brightened and he rushed to grab you. Running to you with his arms outstretched, he was making cute, crazy noises as he ran.

"Oh baby" Jimin moaned. "I missed you so much". His lips crushed into yours and he swept you up in his arms. The entire time both of you were talking and kissing and laughing.

Jimin held onto to you as he swung you around and put you on a barstool next to the counter. He never broke the kiss you shared as he pressed your legs apart and bracketed you at the bar with one hand on either side, leaning you into the counter. He stepped between your legs and pressed against you.

The two of you kissed for endless minutes. You felt him begin to harden against you. You gently pushed on his chest and reminded him that everyone was on call and that very soon both of us would need to leave. He nodded and took a small step away from you, leaving you fighting the chill from the loss of his body heat.

Jimin kissed you once again.

" I don't want to be left like that again anytime soon" he said.

You quirked you brow and he went on to explain " I had a really difficult time this trip. I missed you so much. I would have very vivid, erotic dreams about you. They always started as sweet and gentle. But in the dreams you did not stay, you disappeared or I could not find you. I would wake up rock hard and aching for you. The last couple of dreams have been the most detailed."

Seeing the avid curiosity in your face, he continued " One recent one , I came home and you met me wearing only your robe and I banged you hard against the front door"

He continued, missing the frown on your face. "Another one, we are spooning and I enter you from behind and we do a slow hard grind and it is so hot we climax together."

As he looked in your face, this time he did not miss the frown- but he could not read the other emotions there.

"PARK. Ji. MIN. ........ Are you seriously standing there, telling me the last TWO times we had sex you were ASLEEP???"

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