Chapter 16

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Jimin opened the door for you to step through first.  His security guard was already waiting at the corner. Jimin was checking your door to make sure your lock was engaged when he looked up and saw you walking away.

You had picked out your favorite black skirt.  It was pencil thin to your knees and ended in a deep flounce that hit you mid calf.  You had a new pair of black patterned stockings and pumps with a heel that was fashionable but allowed you to walk the vast complex. You had picked out a light blue silk shirt with a tie front because it reminded you of Jimin.

Jimin watched the sway of your hips.  He noticed the way the skirt cupped your behind as you walked away.

“Hey!” he yelled.”Come back"

You were putting your lanyard with your credentials around your neck as he called to you. Jimin had commissioned the lanyard for you from stones , jewels and beads he had collected in his travels. As you turned to face him, he watched as the heavy chain fell between your breasts, jewels sparkling along your cleavage, the weight pulling the silk, emphasizing your breasts.

He was frowning as he shouted “Hey!” again.

“Let's go. You can’t wear that. You have time go change.  We have a whole box of PUMA goods.  I'll have someone bring you a brand new track suit"

You were busy scanning your outfit for tears or stains.

“What's wrong?? What do you see?  You asked, twirling in circle checking behind you.

“You just can't” he started “you….” He shaped his hands in an exaggerated hourglass shape. “And that….no" as he held he hands out, cupped to his chest,  gesturing toward your breasts"

“Jimin" you started. Trying to decide if you were pissed, or flattered, or both. “ I am a junior section head in this company.  I have to work very hard to prove myself. Many people are watching to find fault because of our relationship.  I cannot wear a PUMA tracksuit to a section meeting"

“ But they are sponsors. They are approved wear…..” he trailed off, ashamed to  suddenly realize that he had never really thought about your work, what your ambitions were. Jimin would correct that as soon as the campus was closed again.  Your thoughts and plans for your career would absolutely be discussed next time you were alone.

“Baby, I will be spending the whole day with 20 or 30 women dressed exactly like this" you  tried to reason. 

You tried another tact. “have you heard the saying dress for the position you want, not for the position you have?

He stepped up to you leaning down. “ What position do you want?”

Seeing the gleam in his eye You  pressed against him and breathing into his ear said “ Well, since you are the one asking”… whispered several erotic suggestions in his ear, ending with a kiss on his neck

“You and your filthy mouth" he smiled down at you.

“Yep" you responded.

Growing serious, he cupped your face. “ I want you to only look at me, I go crazy thinking about you looking away"

“Jimin, in our life, in your dreams I promise to only look at you.  I will stay, I will not leave you" you promised.

He crushed you to him in a kiss that sealed that promise.

5 minutes to open Campus .

Breaking the kiss, he looked down on you.  Grabbing you by the arms he swung you around and pressed you to the door.  He pressed his body to yours, touching from knees to forehead, your arms around his waist, his elbows resting against the door on either side of your head.

“Four days" he growled “four days….I will text you I am on my way.” He bent for a bruising kiss.

“Four days…. Open the door in your robe.  I will take you against this door" he paused to grind a deep roll into you. “ And this time I will remember every second of it… agree?"

All you could do was nod your head.  One more hard kiss and he pushed away and turned to walk way.

The sway of his hips and the roll of his shoulders was exaggerated just  enough to remind you what was waiting for you. 

He shoved one hand in his pocket, pulling his pants taunt across his ass.  You swallowed hard.   Damn, Today was a no underwear day.

As he neared the corner, he turned and threw a wink over his shoulder. As you followed the proscribed distance behind him you began to mentally count down the hours till he met you back at your door.

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