Chapter 11

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“ Jimin??? Mr. Park??” the voice drew you out of the kiss as you both remembered the phone call. “Is everything ok?”

“Fine" Jimin managed. “I will be turning on some music now while I continue my workout. Don't mind the noises.  Please continue”

Manager Song resumed.  Jimin turned the in room music on, choosing a random playlist, only seeking cover for the sounds you would soon be making.

Jimin took a step back, drawing you away from the counter.  He bent to kiss you again-, feathering his free hand down your ribs.  He stopped his hand below your belly button, fingers spread wide, almost reaching the ache he had fired within you.

“Shall we go further?” Manager Song asked.  Jimin smiled a wicked smile at you and replied “Oh yes”

Jimin tightened his hand around your waist and slowly moved the other hand into the waistband of your sleep shorts.  You gasped and dropped your head onto his shoulder, arching into him as he slowly moved his fingers into you.

Jimin's fingers dipped into you and it was his turn to moan. “Baby, are you really this wet for me? You feel so good" he breathed in your ear.  He parted your fold and simply touched you and your knees buckled. 

“Yes, baby.  Dance for me" he whispered.

Jimin held his fingers still against you as he pressed his hips into you, rolling you with him, causing you to lightly brush against his fingers. 

“Please…I need more" you moaned.

He rolled again, bringing his fingers a bit closer.  You could feel his erection grinding into you with each roll.

Frustrated, you pressed back into him, finding and riding his length.
Jimin's breath hitched at the feel of you. 

“Keep going" he ground out.

Manager Song continued his report. You continued to press into Jimin until the two of you caught your rhythm.  You could feel him hard against you, pressing you, each thrust causing you to slide into his fingers. Again and again you brushed onto him until you began to lose control.  You moved your hand to grasp his wrist, holding his hand in place as you writhed against it, chasing your release. Jimin was chasing right behind you, grinding into you, pressing you harder onto his hand.

As you were beginning to shake in his arm he gave a crook of his fingers as you ground into them and your climax shook you both.  Your entire body was shaking.  You were not sure your legs would hold you.

Jimin continued to roll with you through your climax and a few thrusts later you felt him throbbing his release into the plush towel still tied around his waist.

He bent his head to kiss you again. Long and slow as you both slowly eased down from your high.

As his breathing returned to normal he keyed the pad to turn the shower on.  You stepped out of his arms and headed to the shower.

“That is the report I have today.” Manager Song finished.

“Good"  Jimin replied, he looked at you as he was cleaning himself with the towel.” You were quite helpful today"

You blushed and reached in to check the shower temperature.  It was absolutely heaven.  You cocked your head at him in silent invitation and he started toward you.

“By the way, my wife asked me to send her regards" Manager Song was off on another long story.  You laughed at Jimin's expression.  It looked like it might be awhile before he got his shower.

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