Chapter 5

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You walked back into the kitchen to put your groceries away and ended up eating a bowl of ice cream for supper.

Sighing you decided to catch the latest episode of your drama. Bad mistake, it ended making you cry and curse your decision to start one that was still in production. Now you would have to wait a week.

Checking the clock, you decided a good hour of Work would get you ahead of tomorrow's tasks. Both of your schedules were blank but shaded green. That meant that at some time, not yet determined, you would be called to meetings. Straining your ears as you worked you still heard no sounds other than steady breathing from the bedroom.

You finished your prep work and put away the papers and computers. Getting up you stretched and walked to your room, picking up Jimin's clothes as you went. You hurried through your nighttime routine and headed to bed. Tired and discouraged you threw on an old shirt, foregoing sleep shorts you climbed into bed.

While you were working Jimin had moved beneath the covers and curled onto his side. You lay next to him in the dark, tracing his eyebrows with your fingertips, drawing softly down his lashes, along his nose and mouth. He again groaned in his sleep. You rolled over, frustrated, not sure if you were angry with him or yourself. Despite all the emotions swirling, you fell asleep immediately.

The first touch startled you awake. It took a few seconds for your sleep addled brain to remember you were at home, in your bed - with Jimin. That realization alone caused arousal. Becoming more aware of his warmth behind you, you slipped out of your panties You moved and stretched into him. You could feel him lengthening and hardening into the cleft of your ass. His hands were hot and roamed your body restlessly. One hand snaked around your hips drawing you deep into his erection. The other hand found your breast and began to knead and squeeze in concert with his thrusts. He dipped down and his hard length aligned to rut, parting your lips and rubbing against your sensitive center. Jimin moaned at the hot wetness.

"This is the best feeling. Please stay.....please don't leave this time" he moaned in your ear.

You tried to turn to him but he held you tight against his chest, panting, begging you to stay.

You reached one hand up and tangled it in his hair, bringing his head closer. You turned you head enough to reach his lips. He crushed his mouth to yours, moaning into you, licking and tasting your lips, thrusting his tongue to meet yours.

He dropped down behind you to bring your body in alignment with his. Groaning he felt for your entrance. He moved your legs so that they curled up toward your stomach, squeezed tight together, each pump from him causing friction on you and sending jolts all the way to your core.

He slowly entered you, pausing to adjust and breathing "please stay...please stay baby". Your body ached to be filled and his slow pace was driving you wild. You tried to push back into him. He rewarded you by withdrawing slowly out of you until you cried out his name.

"Please....please ...I'll be still...please" you promised.

He growled and began to inch forward. Once he filled you, he paused and you felt him twitch inside you. You gripped him tightly, causing your own ripples of satisfaction.

He began to move. His hips set a slow pace, but each roll of his body snapped hard and deep. His pace increased with each pump, until soon your breasts were bouncing and you were keening his name. You reached back to grab his ass to try to pull him deeper, faster. As you moved you shifted your body enough that the thrusts began hitting a new angle.

All that existed at that point was the two of you, straining against each other, grabbing to meet body to body. You began to feel him shake about the time you felt your climax uncoil deep within you.

You reached back again to touch his head and he bent and bit your exposed neck. At that touch you both exploded, shaking and throbbing and clenching until you both were completely spent.

He continued to hold you tightly against him as you both rode the waves until you could breathe again. He kissed the spot where he had bitten you, kissing along your neck. His hands set free, roaming again, petting and soothing you as you settled from your high.

After a few minutes he withdrew from you with a deep sigh. Rolling over onto his back he pulled you close to his side.

After a few minutes you ducked out from under his arm and headed to the bathroom. You quickly washed up and gathered a cloth to take back to him. You frowned slightly because this task was one Jimin loved to do for you. He would take care to make sure the cloth was warm and he was so gentle in helping you. He brought clean , warm clothes back to you when it was cold and always swapped sides of the bed with you. You grabbed a clean sheet and a cloth for him. As you got back to the bed you found him in the same position. And he was sound asleep.

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