Chapter 8

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The rest of the day was filled with meetings and task lists.  It was past 8 when you got back to the apartment.

You showered and put on your favorite warm clothes.  You prepped as much as you could for Jimin's supper, planning on preparing it hot when he got there.  You fell asleep waiting for him.

The security tones awakened you as Jimin entered the room.  It was past 10.  He had been rehearsing choreography for over 12 hours. 

You moved to go to him when you noticed he was wearing a ice vest on his shoulders and he held a large ice pack against his neck.

“Did you hurt yourself?” you asked immediately concerned.

He shook his head, setting down his things on the counter. “Muscle spasms starting again.  I'm doing preventive therapy to stop it from worsening”.

He moved to take you in his arms, but winced in pain at the movement.  He cursed in anger at the restriction and pain.  He turned away from you.

You stepped up and put your arms around him.  He pushed your arms away  and turning said

“I'll be no use to you tonight.  I'm of no use to anyone"

You pulled him around toward you and saw that unshed tears of exhaustion and frustration glistened in his eyes.
But behind the anger and frustration you saw it – fear. 

You had discovered Jimin had a deep seated fear that to  millions of people he was nothing more than a piece of  ass.  His insecurities lied and whispered that his worth was bound up in defined abs and a tight ass, that he was being measured by his ability to do chest rolls and hard thrusts on stage.  He feared that if his belly got soft or he injured himself so that he could not simulate sex on stage for frenzied fans then he would fade from being. And worse, no one would care

“Park Ji Min….you are the kindest person I know.  Every member of this staff, from the drivers and janitors to the managers have stories about how thoughtful you are!”

Drawing a breath, you continued “Jimin! Over 500 people gave blood in honor of your birthday.  I have no idea how lives that saved, but people won’t die because of something you did.  You have literally saved people's lives"

"I am just getting started.  Should I go on?" You asked.  He quietly shook his head "No"

“Hell….I just spent 36 hours watching you sleep! Because I wanted to.” you said.

He smiled at that.

“Do…..NOT…..ever….say…that…..again!” you hissed at him. You cupped his face and gave him a soft kiss.

He simply said “hold me….please just... hold me".

He sat down with a thud on the barstool.  You went to him and put your arms around him.  He opened his legs to cradle you between them.  He laid his head on your shoulder and you put your hands in his hair, soothing him, whispering to him.  As you held him you gently swayed, kissing his temple.

As you held him you began to feel him relax.  The tension disappeared from his jawline, then his neck and the tightness in his shoulders followed. You continued to hold him, humming a wordless tune.  He finally lifted his head to kiss you softly.

Hands playing in the hair at the nape of his neck, you whispered “ I could do this all night"

“ Promise…Promise me you will" he asked.

“Promise" you replied, gently touching his face, tracing his lips. As you drew your fingertips back from his mouth , he leaned to kiss you.  The kiss was soft and gentle, his tongue reaching to taste and tease your lips. He carefully moved one arm to embrace you and press you tighter

He sighed and laid his head on your breast.

Some time later you pulled back from your embrace to look at him again.

“Do you have medicine?” You asked.

“I already took some.  I need to take another and rub down with this medicated cream" he responded.

“Are you hungry?”

“Actually, I am very hungry.  I really just want a huge bowl of noodles"

“Do you think a hot shower would help?”

“Yes, it probably would"

Pulling away from him you started toward the kitchen.

“I’ll fix noodles while you shower"

He showered for a very long time under the rain heads set to highest temperature and hardest setting.  He was feeling much more relaxed when he returned to the kitchen.

You had placed one large bowl of noodles on the table . You both shared the bowl, stopping at times to feed one another.  The conversation was easy and soon you were both laughing and catching up on all you had missed while apart.

You noticed that Jimin began to be uncomfortable in the hard chair. He took the pill the team doctor sent and pulled off his shirt to apply the lotion
You took the lotion from him and began to massage his muscles.  You felt the knots in his shoulders and worked to ease them.  Jimin groaned as your hands worked the kinks out.  You took the lotion and worked down each arm.  When you were almost done you could see the pill was taking effect. 

“Let's go to bed" you said as you took his hand to lead him to the bedroom.  He followed in silence.

As you got into the bed you gathered him in your arms and he burrowed deep against you.  He was mummering and you leaned closer to hear him

“You are exactly what I needed “ he whispered.

You feel asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

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