Chapter 10

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You tried to stifle your gasp as Jimin cupped your breasts, raining kisses down your neck as he tested the weight of you in his hands. You had worn your silk pajamas to bed and now in his hands  the fabric was rubbed across your nipples, causing them to harden and you to arch into his hands.

Jimin ,smiled as he saw you peak beneath the silk.  He brought his fingers to you, tracing circles in the silk, touching you everywhere but your nipples. You cried out, twisting in his arms, seeking to meet his fingers.  He moved fingers to scrape the silk across the aching buds, then tweaked and pinched, causing your knees to buckle and a moan to escape. 

“shhhhh” He leaned down to whisper in your ear. Encircling your waist with one arm, he drew you back even tighter to him.  You could feel his hard length pressing into you.

“Is that good…..Manager Song?” he asked, while quirking an eyebrow at you in the mirror.

“ Yes  it's good" the man responded,  that earned you a smirk in the mirror, “but I think you'll get better results in the next quarter if you are a bit more aggressive”

“ I agree completely” Jimin said, as he began to unbutton your pajama top. “Let’s continue”.

The man on the phone continued to drone on as Jimin's fingers deftly undid the buttons and removed the top, discarding it at your feet.

You were suddenly embarrassed standing  in the bright glare of the bathroom lighting.  You crossed your arms across your chest, covering and flattening your breasts  tucking your hands under your arms.

“No!” Jimin demanded, authority ringing in his voice.  The man on the phone paused.  “I want to see everything”

As the  voice on the phone began some explanation, Jimin uncrossed your arms and taking your hands in his he placed your hands on your breasts.  Moving your fingers to brush your nipples,  his hands were pressing yours until you were squeezing and kneading your breasts yourself.

“I need to see it all" he said out loud, his voice growing husky. Jimin  drew your head back and kissed you, his tongue playing in time with the movement of your hands.

“I understand, I'll get it all together and email you" . 

Neither of you were paying attention at that point.


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