Chapter 2

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Jimin walked thru the door, grabbing your arms , closing and locking the door behind him as he entered.

Crushing your mouth to his, he swung you around to press you against the door. His lips nipped and sucked at your mouth. His tongue swept in and tangled with yours. He was rolling against your body and you could feel his hard ridge against your stomach. As he lifted his head from yours you could hear him whispering " I miss you"

"I miss you" he said as he took his hand and wrapped it in your long braid. He used the braid to pull your head back, opening your neck to him. His kissed and bit his way to the collar of your robe. You would be marked tomorrow. Jimin had never done that to you before.

As you gasped at the sensations his lips were creating, he reached between you and pulled back enough to untie your robe and pull it open. Jimin was still dressed in his travelling clothes. He was wearing the blue silk shirt you adored, fitted black silk pants and his favorite dress shoes

Jimin bent to kiss down your cleavage, one hand continuing to tug the braid to control your movements. His mouth found your breast and you arched hard into him. He began to kiss, then tongue one nipple then the other. Your arousal was intense, wet and hot.

Jimin reached between you to dip his hands in your folds. He moaned at your wetness, gently tapping your nub, causing your knees to buckle. He withdrew his hand to reach for his belt buckle. He rapidly undid his pants. As he was pushing his pants down you reached to feel his erection. He had chosen not to wear underwear today. His length was long ,hot and hard in your hand. He groaned and thrust into your touch.

"I miss you.....I miss you......I miss you" Jimin almost sang as he thrust. He removed your hand, raising it to the door next to your head, pinning you in place.

"I miss you...." He panted as he hooked one of your legs in his arm and wrapped it around his waist. He bent slightly, feeling your entrance and he took a deep breath and fully seated himself into you in one thrust. You cried out at the fullness and stretch. He paused only a heartbeat before beginning to rotate his hips, rolling into you. You moaned at every thrust. Each stroke lifted you against the door. His silk shirt was rubbing against your breasts, his belt jangled as he slammed into you.

"I miss you" he moaned as he bent once more to kiss you. His tongue played in rhythm to his hips. He reached to you one more time and one small crook of his finger sent you into explosive spasms around him. He pumped, one...two more times and joined you in release.

After a moment he released your hand and leg, leaning his body the full length of yours against the door. You cradled his head as he struggled to slow his breathing.

He breathed "I miss you" once more as he withdrew from you. With one last kiss he turned from you and staggering on unsteady legs he stumbled to your couch and fell face first, dead asleep.

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