Chapter 13

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"I love to watch your face when you dance on my fingers. Now... You can do me"

At your frown he laughed, " You can wash my hair" he clarified. Jimin loved for you to wash his hair.

He stepped in front of you and flopped down on the wide stone seat. He bowed his head and patiently waited. You reached for his favorite shampoo and keyed in adjustments to the rain heads so that they all were cascading rain on the two of you.

Jimin moaned as you wet his hair. Drawing his hands through it, slicing it away from his forehead. He stretched up to kiss you as you opened the shampoo. You worked his hair into a lather and used your nails to scrub his scalp. He groaned at the sensations, putting his hands on your waist.

As you continued to scrub, he scooted to the edge of the seat, guiding you so that you straddled his thigh and your knee pressed directly into his groin.

"Let's be careful here" he laughed. Your experimental grind against him caused him to strangle.

As you massaged his scalp his hands began to roam. He reached behind you and grabbed your ass, pulling you in. Then he adjusted his hold on you so that your breasts were now on level with his mouth.

You gasped as he kissed one breast then licked his way to the other. He drew a nipple in his mouth. His tongue gently swirled , then gave way to nipping and sucking.

Jimin arched you back over his arm and continued to lick and suck. His other hand rose up to fondle the other breast. He felt you begin to shake and pulled you down on his thigh as you shuddered again in release.

You leaned forward and pressed against his chest. His hands feathered down your back as you steadied. His mouth found yours and soft gentle kisses soon grew deeper, stronger seeking relief for his aching need.

You felt him harden against your belly. You reached to touch him and he groaned, hardening even more at your touch.

You stood and reached for the handheld and rinsed the soap from his hair.

Placing it beside you, you poured the French body wash into your hand. You started at his shoulders and ran your slickened hands smoothly across them.

Soap now turned to lather as you slid your hands down his hard chest. His head fell back with a groan as you swirled your fingers around his pebbled nipples.

Another handful of soap and you rubbed your hands all over his hard stomach. You marveled at the muscles. You traced each one with a gentle finger. As you drew back, you could see his erection twitch and move in response to your touch. You traced his v line down into his groin. He shuddered feeling your hand so close to him. You looked up at him.

"Please.....touch me....please" he panted.

You reached again for the soap and sank to you knees in front of him. He groaned looking down at you. His breaths became jagged pleas.

Hands, wet and slick, softly reached for him. He cried out at the touch of your hands caressing his balls. You slowly moved your hand to the base of his cock and he began bucking up, seeking contact. You slowly encircled his erection, low moaning and harsh breathing let you know that he was fighting for control. Closing your hand around him, you gave one slow pump, then another. Groaning he began to pump into your hand.

"I can't......can't...I'm......." he ground out.

You removed your hand and he cried out in protest. You brought the gentle sprayer around to rise the soap off him. You watched the water rinse the soap from his shoulders then his stomach. As you neared his groin, He hissed and bucked at contact with the water. You experimented with the spray of the handheld until the stream became a stroke to the underside of his erection.

Jimin thrust into the water stream, crying your name, cursing at the same time.

You removed the water before he became too sensitive. He protested, twisting and rolling, trying to find the stroking stream.

You raised on your knees, giving him a minute to adjust. Your eyes met and you silently promised him pleasure. You slowly placed your mouth on his tip sliding down, adjusting to engulf him fully.

"Fuuuuccckkk" he exhaled.."Oh God...soo.." any thing else was unintelligible as you slowly slid his length.

Quickly he was chasing his relief, gasping, pulling at you, pulling your hair to push deeper. You swirled your tongue at his tip on random strokes causing him to cry out. His hands began to tremble and he thrust in rhythm with you.

"oh" he chanted as he came undone and exploded in your mouth.

You swallowed as he throbbed into you, tasting every drop. You held him in your mouth until he stilled, then slowly released him , leaning back to watch his face. His head was thrown back and his chest heaved as he gulped in air. You watched him as he embraced the physical release. You knew the exact minute he was collected enough to think about you. A peace come over him and opening his eyes and he looked for you.

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