Chapter 9

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You awoke to the sound of singing. Groaning, you reached for your phone to turn off the alarm. After fumbling for a few seconds you realized it was not your alarm, but Jimin, singing in the bathroom.

You leaned back to listen to the pure, unaltered sound of his voice. What a gift he had, and you were brought to tears thinking how blessed you were to be lying here listening to him.

His phone chimed on the bed side table. You checked it to see that the call was from one of his senior financial managers.
You answered the phone " You have reached Park Jimin. May I help you."

The manager requested to speak to Jimin, stating it was important.

"One moment please. You will be placed on hold" you stated in your professional phone voice.

Pushing out of bed, you knocked on the partially opened bathroom room door. Jimin smiled as he saw you, motioning you to come in. He looked great in the morning. This morning you were relieved to see all traces of pain were gone.

Jimin was just finished shaving as you came in. He was bare chested with a small towel around his neck. He had tightly tied a large towel low on his waist. You gave him a quick kiss and told him Manager Song was on hold for him. He grabbed your waist and pulled you in front of him, pressing you into the counter. He bent his head to yours and kissed you, slow and deep. Your brain finally kicked in enough to breath "Manager........Song...." between kisses.

Jimin smiled down at you, taking the phone from your hand and said "Manager Song. Sorry to keep you waiting. "

As he was listening to the Manger's report, you removed the towel from his neck and began to wipe the traces of saving cream from his face. His face really was perfect. He reached behind you, grinding into you as he did, and retrieved his face cream from the counter. He handed you the cream.

He said " Yes, I understand"

You opened the cream and concentrated on applying it to his face. Your fingers soothed it across his brow, tracing down his nose and chin. As you reached for more lotion, Jinim closed his eyes and slowly began rolling his hips against you. As you finished feathering the lotion on and around his eyes, he leaned in to kiss you. "ummm huh" he mummered into the phone. You blushed and put a finger to his lip to shush him, pointing at the phone.

"Would you repeat that please Manager" he said as he stepped back and putting his hands on your waist, quickly turned you to face the mirror. He stepped into you again, holding you to the counter, pressing his hips into your bottom.

"I'm sorry. I am about to begin my morning workout. I am going to have to put you on speaker" he said, eyes trained on yours in the mirror.

"No!" you mouthed to his reflection, even as your arousal flooded. His only response was to place the phone on the counter with a wicked grin.

"Now" he said "We will begin". Manager Song launched into the last quarter's report as Jimin bent to nip your neck.

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