Chapter 3

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You stood clinging to the door, waiting for your legs to stop trembling. What the hell just happened?  That was one of the most intense orgasms you had ever had. So why did you feel so….lonely? 

Jimin had never been like that before.  He was always so connected  during sex, so attuned to you emotionally as well as physically. Should you worry that this break had changed the relationship to a purely physical one?

Shaking the doubts away, you pushed yourself away from the door.  You retied your robe and approached the couch.  Looking down on Jimin, you smiled.  For now it was time to be happy he was here with you. Anything else you could work out.

You bent to make him more comfortable.  Having a chance to really look at him without being “distracted" by him you frowned.  He looked thinner, he turned to lay on his back.  There were dark circles under his eyes.  You wonder when he last got to eat or sleep an entire night uninterrupted.

You gently removed his shoes.  You kissed his face and placed a pillow beneath his head.  He turned toward you and whispered your name.  You retrieved blankets from the hall closet and tucked him in, making sure he was comfortable. Then you headed back to the shower.  On the way you grabbed aspirin, thinking “I am going to be sore tomorrow.”

After showering again you grabbed comfy sweats and a tee shirt and dressed in the bedroom.  You could tell by his soft , even breathing that Jimin was still sleeping

  You gathered your phone and work tablet and curled into your favorite chair.  Your view was spectacular tonight as you watched Jimin peacefully sleep next to you.

Because he had returned to the compound you were once again allowed to use your credentials to check schedules and maintain status alerts.  Due to security concerns all members had to check in their location at the complex if they remained on campus.
Logging in, you could see all the members but Jimin had logged in and all of them had engaged “do not disturb". You marked Jimin's location and toggled his “do not disturb" as well. 

Next you checked both your schedules for tomorrow.  Jimin had no schedule for the next day.  You dared to hope this meant the two of you would have time together. However, your schedule began with a production meeting at 9:00 a.m and went all day. 

Sighing, you went again to Jimin.  He was still dead asleep.  You knew he had to be exhausted.  You fastened his pants and carefully removed his belt.  You unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, hoping he would awaken at any minute.  He did not even stir.  You gave him one more kiss and pulled the covers back up around him.    You brought a bottled juice and a small water and placed it on the table in front of him. You left out the snacks you bought him.    On the way to your room you turned the night light on in the bathroom for him.

In your room you drew back your covers and climbed in the bed.  It was weird, but tonight you felt more lonely with Jimin in the next room than you had when he was half the world away.

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