Chapter 4

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You got up as your alarm sounded.  You padded into the living room to check on Jimin.  He was in basically the same position that you left him in.  You were alarmed until you saw the empty bottles on the table. 

You quickly showered and dressed for the day.  Production meetings meant loads of work would soon be assigned. You gathered your work bag, slipping your tablet and chargers inside.

Checking on Jimin again you kissed him and he smiled and kissed you back, turning over to curl into the couch.

As you entered the elevator you pushed the button for the penthouse floor and your personal code.  A quick check revealed Hobi was staying off campus and the others were still marked “DND". 

You used your personal code again to enter “the dorm”.  All the suite doors were closed and shuttered except for the one shared by Jimin and Hobi.  You hurried into the room and grabbed one of Jimin's designer bags to pack some essentials.

His personal bags from the tour had been brought to the room by the staff.  You found his black messenger with his grooming and personal items in it. You picked out a dance practice outfit and a business meeting outfit, not sure what his next schedule would be.  You tossed in his favorite ball cap and hesitated at his personal drawer.  He was 50/50 on any given day with wearing underwear.  You grabbed a couple of pair just in case.  You took a pair of sleep shorts and a tee he liked to sleep in. With socks and his practice shoes you were set.

You hurried to drop the stuff off on your way to the meeting.  You laid the sleep clothes and sweats out so he could find them.  You left him more water, snacks and a sandwich on the table.  A quick kiss and you were gone.

Meetings dragged on all day.  You were sure Jimin would be up when you came in.  You made a quick run out to get things for his favorite meal.  You swung your door open expecting him to spring up to help you with the groceries.  The apartment was dead quiet.

Disappointed, you stepped inside.  He was no longer on the couch but  the food had been eaten. Placing the groceries on the counter you followed the trail of bespoke designer clothing strewn from the hall to your bedroom door. 

Looking inside you saw him, buck naked in all his  golden glory, sprawled spread eagle on your bed. Your mouth watered just looking at him.

Jimin may have lost weight during the tour, but  all the work had made his muscles cut and defined.  His calf muscles bulged, even while he was resting.  His thighs were even thicker than when you had last seen him.  He moaned in his sleep and you looked to see if he was waking.  He had one arm curled next to his head and his biceps and shoulders were beautiful. You went to sit next to him on the bed.  You softly drew your hands across his shoulders, feeling his muscles tense and bunch under your hands.  You slowly skimmed you hand down his back to his waist.  His waist was small, and even from the back you could see his v line starting down to his groin.  Your fingers trailed around to the small of his back and the two small dimples right above his ass.  His ass..that ass made your mouth water anytime you saw it.  It was tight and perfectly round.  Muscles rippled when he moved or flexed.  You lowered one hand to cup him.  He shifted slightly in the bed.  You leaned down and replaced your hand with your mouth, placing a light kiss.  Jimin groaned in response. 

“Jimin"  you called “baby wake up.  I miss you"

His only response was to groan and roll away from your touch. 

When in the hell would he wake up?

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