Chapter 12

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You turned so that your back was facing him as he tried to end the phone call.

You raised your arms above your head and gathered your hair, releasing it to fall in waves down your back. You looked over your shoulder to catch a glimpse of Jimin. He was still standing at the sink, naked now but for the small towel in his hand, cleaning himself from his climax.

You slowly lowered your arms and settled your hands at your waist. Pausing a second, you slipped your thumbs into the waistband of your sleep shorts. You begin a slow shimmy out of them, pausing mid way. Jimin moaned when you stopped.

You looked over your shoulder again. Jimin was cupping his cock in his hand watching you with dark eyes. His tongue was licking the corner of his mouth.

You pulled the shorts down to the top of your thighs, leaving them to emphasize your rounded ass. This time Jimin groaned and started toward you.

"One more question and I will be finished" Manager Song stated.
Stopping him in his pursuit.

You spread your legs slightly and began to wiggle the rest of the way out of the shorts. Bending over completely at the waist, pausing to make sure Jimin got a good look, you stepped out of your shorts and kicked them to the side.

Jimin stood there, swallowing hard trying desperately now to get off the phone. You laughed at his expression and stepped into the shower.

You took advantage of the privacy to clean yourself. Your arousal had been intense and it took a few minutes before you were ready to share the shower. You lathered and cleaned your body, leaning into the hot water coming in all directions from the rainheads.

You had already lathered your hair with shampoo by the time Jimin stepped in. He took you in his arms and kissed you. Slow sweet kisses lasting for minutes. Shampoo began to slide down your face toward your eyes.

"Let's get you rinsed off" Jimin offered.

He reached around you to adjust the rain heads. He increased the temperature slightly and increased the strength of the water flow. Warm water lightly stung your bodies as you stood kissing.

Jimin turned you away from him and programmed the hand held sprayer for a cooler temp and gentle rain pressure.

Using his hand and the sprayer he rinsed the soap from your hair, lifting and arranging the long locks, caressing them until all soap was gone. He reached down to run his hand over your ass, groaning in your ear " you are so fucking beautiful. I will always ache for you"

He stepped away to wash his own body. As you turned toward him You raised your hands into your hair, gathering it, twisting the water from it.

Jimin stood transfixed as he saw you turn, hands behind your head, back arched, full breasts jutting toward him, begging to be touched, sucked, water rivulets caressing your body.

With a ragged breath he drew his gaze to your face.

"Stop" he breathed, "please, stop...don't move"

You gave him a puzzled look, but did as he asked.

"I want a picture of this... I want this memory to keep. This memory I need inside me for always" he said.

After drinking you in, he quickly moved to you, crushing your body to his, taking your mouth in a kiss that was in turn sweet, then heated.

He set you away from him, and touching you only with his mouth, he kissed your jaw, nuzzled down your throat and pressed his tongue to the rapid beat of your pulse at the base of your throat.

Standing back, black eyes devouring your body, he watched the water travel from your throat, across your breast, down your soft belly, beckoning him to return to the sweet heat of you.

With a feather touch, he picked a rivulet and traced it's path with his tongue. As he neared your lower belly you involuntarily stepped back.

Reaching for your hands, he frowned.

" I'm sorry, you're still tender" he smiled at you.

As you tried to catch your breath he said " that's ok. I love to watch your face when you dance on my fingers. Now... You can do me"

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