Chapter 7

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The look on his face was panicked as he searched his memory for the days before he left on this trip.

"The last two times" he mused.

"Jimin! This is Wednesday. You came home Monday night" you ground out.

He still did not get the connection.

"You came home Monday night, 3 hours ahead of schedule, surprised me in my robe, pushed me against the front door and "banged" me" you began.

You could see a slow light dawning.

"And last night" you continued " slow grind..."

Memories started flashing for him,  ""he finished.

You nodded..."yep"

You could not read his face. It seemed to be a mixture of laughter and embarrassment.

He seemed to think better of the laughter part as he said

"Baby, I'm sorry. I really don't know what to say, what to think" he stammered.

"I'm sorry...did you...?" he left the question.

"Yes...hard" you answered, wanting him to know what he missed.

" Did I.....?" he continued.

"Yes......HARD..." you replied.

"Was I ..."? he really couldn't hide his cocky grin at this.

"yes.....very" you had to admit.

Before the conversation went any further the complex wide intercom chimed.

"Attention. Member meeting in studio A in 30 minutes"

He mouthed a curse and ran his hand through his hair. You stepped up to kiss him and pushed him toward the bedroom. "Go to work, we'll figure this out this later."

He got ready quickly, using a combination of the clothes you had brought. You knew your meeting call would follow soon so you dressed as he showered. As you finished the intercom chimed again.

"Whole team meeting, Amphitheatre, 1 hour"

Jimin joined you in the living room, mussing his hair into place and gathering up his messenger bag. He was patting pockets, then searching the bag.

He turned to you, " Have you...."

You handed him his phone and his sunglasses. He bent quickly to kiss you.

"I'll make it up to you" he whispered.
He wrapped both arms around you pulling you tight to his body.

"Member meeting, Studio A, ONE minute" came the announcement.

"That's for me" he smiled. With one last kiss he opened the door and sprinted down the hall.

You went ahead to the Amphitheater, intent on getting a good seat and maybe dishing with Xuan. She apparently had the same idea and was waiting for you at the top seats.

"I see it on your face" she said immediately. " Everything ok?"

"Yes" you responded, "just figuring things out."

"Oh didn't get your feelings hurt did you? I should have warned you" she said.

At your questioning look she continued " When they come home, they do NOTHING but sleep, understand? NOTHING. Hoseok's record is 48 hours straight. No food, no- you know- nothing!! They must have something big planned because this meeting is really soon for their schedules"

You could feel your face flushing. You had not really understood how exhausted Jimin was and how remarkable it was that he had been seeking you, wanting you, despite that exhaustion.

A stir at the front of the room drew all attention. The members had entered, finding their seats on the platform. All of them were wearing sunglasses and all but Jimin had their heads covered in some way. They were all chatting, interacting with staff members.

A hush fell as Bang Si-Hyuk took the stage. The members all stood as he entered, removing their sunglass and bowing.The next hour was spent celebrating recent accomplishments and setting new goals. Jimin stole glances at you and shared seductive smiles. You could not wait to be alone with him again.

The meeting ending with the announcements of upcoming scheduled events. Immediately the members would go into choreography practice and then production meetings. All departments were to report to section meetings. And starting tomorrow, time to be announced, the campus would be open

"Open" campus meant that cameras would be present throughout the complex. Every interaction was subject to videotaping and part of the "hire" packet was a written acknowledgment that the assumption should be that any action taken during open campus could be and would be uploaded and live on the internet in seconds. That meant your time with Jimin would end. There could be no interactions until the campus was closed and secure again.

You saw him grab his phone as he exited the stage. Immediately your text tone sounded.

"I will be there tonight, no matter how late. Wait for me ok?" he looked up to see you get the message. He was watching you so intently he walked into Hoseok, earning him a grumpy scowl.

"I will wait as long as it takes...promise"
You responded.

Throwing you finger hearts he disappeared.

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