Chapter 15

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Jimin finally pulled himself from the bed and went to sit at the vanity in the bathroom"

" Will you style my hair? I love it when you do it" he coaxed, pulling out the baby face and puppy dog eyes.

You rolled your eyes but stepped behind him in the chair. You began to comb and dry his hair. You loved putting your fingers in his hair. You talked and laughed as you were working. He made a couple of corrections to the style but he was soon satisfied. He leaned his head back and you leaned over to kiss him upside down.

Attention all personnel. Open campus begins in one hour.

You both grimaced, then put on a fake smile for the other.

" Enough time to eat and get dressed" you said. "I'll fix noodles"

You stayed in your robes as long as you could. You put the finishing touches on your makeup as he sat on the bathroom counter watching and talking. At the 30 minute warning you were both getting dressed.

You were ready first and stood in the kitchen packing your work bag for the day. He entered the room and you felt like your heart stuttered.

He was wearing a navy blue suit and a light blue dress shirt. His hair was swept back from his forehead and he had changed his jewelry to more subtle choices. You would have to check the schedule again to see what he was doing today.

"You are beautiful" you breathed, reaching to caress his face. He caught your hand and held it to his face.

Looking into your eyes, he blushed and then turned away giggling.

"My hair is great. I love it when you style me" he said.

"Me too" you responded " I don't like those stylists patting down your jackets, or fastening your belts. And...." Jimin was smiling as you got wound up " I hate them having their hands in your hair. I know for a fact that at least two of them do your hair two or three times over so they can have an excuse to touch you!"

He was pleased by your jealousy. He reached for you and pulled you close, pressing into you for a hard kiss.

"But" he started with a wicked grin "their hands have never been in my hair as I...." and he leaned into you, whispering delicious obscenities in your ear, then kissing your neck.

"Jimin! You and that filthy mouth" you reacted.

He ran his tongue out along his bottom lip.

" Yes" he smiled.

The alert chimed 15 minutes.

"Guess we had better get started" you said. His eyes said " that's 14 minutes we could be in that bed', but in the end he just nodded.

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