What could of happened (part 2)

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A year and half later...

Kaneki's P.O.V.

I got my backpack repacked and was saying my goodbyes to Sam, David, and Max. Max is the little boy I gave birth to, they let me name him. Max had brown hair and my grey eyes. David was carrying Max as I gave Sam a hug goodbye. I gave David a hug to before bringing my attention to little six month old Max, who was asleep.

"Be good for me okay, sweet heart." I said before kissing him on the head. Then I made my way towards the door and gave them a smile before walking out the door. I walked down a street as I smiled. I get to see Hide again, but I'm nervous. What if he's mad at me? Who wouldn't be mad at someone for running away with not telling a reason? What if he doesn't love me anymore and is dating someone else? I wouldn't blame him, he deserves someone better then me after I ran away. No matter how much I love him.

Time skip~~

I finally got to my and Hide's old apartment. 'I hope he still lives here' I thought as I knocked on the door.

"Just a minute!" Hide said on the other side of the door. I started to play with fingers and feel more nervous. I started to feel hotter before the door opened. Hide was about to say something when he looked at me. He almost like he saw a ghost. Both of us weren't saying anything, but I noticed his hair was longer.

"H-hey, your hair got longer." I said before I was tackled in a hug. I was surprised as Hide started to lightly cry into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him before we moved inside and closed the door. We sat on the floor and I rubbed his back as I waited for him to stop crying. When he did stop, he pulled out of the hug before putting his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. I kissed back before he pulled away. He was still crying a little.

"Hey, don't cry." I said as I wiped away his tears with my thumps.

"I'm just happy you're back. Where did you go?"

"Somewhere. I'm not really going to answer that."

"Okay, I'm just glad you're back." He said before resting his head on my shoulder and nuzzled his nose into my neck. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

Time skip~~ a couple weeks~~

Me and Hide are living together again. I started working at Ankiu again also. Hide got a job awhile I was gone. He started to work as a CCG runner boy because he could get information for Ankiu that way.

Today we were both off, it's was late morning. We had slept in together. I was in the bathroom getting undressed, so I could take a shower. Hide was in the kitchen making himself breakfast. I got my t-shirt and bandages off, and was about to take off my sweatpants. When I started to leak, from you should know where.

"Shit!" I said probably to loudly. I got a towel as fast as possible and cleaned up the breastmilk, that got on the counter. Then I covered myself chest up with the towel, trying to stop the leaking.

"Kaneki, is everything alright?" Hide said as he was opening the door.

"Get out!" I shouted. I used my kagune to slam the door closed. I hope I didn't hurt Hide by doing that. He probably did jump back. My kagune disappeared before I walked to the door. "I'm sorry about that. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You scared me, but fine." He responded.

"I'm so sorry, I panicked."

"Are you okay though?"

"Yeah, something just happened."


"Y-yes," I lied. "How much did you see?"

"Almost nothing before you slammed the door in my face."

"Okay, I'm going to take shower now."


When I got my clothes off and took a shower, I had stopped leaking, thank god. It was late afternoon now, I was sitting on the couch, reading a book, and Hide went to go use the bathroom. He came back a few minutes later.

"Kaneki?" He said as he walked over to me.

"Yes?" I said as I looked away from my book and looked up at him.

"What is this?" He asked as he showed me a piece of toilet paper. It was my breastmilk, I could tell by the color. I must of missed it when I was cleaning up. My face went white and I had a light sweat. I was panicking.

"I-I don't know." I said as I bought my attention back to my book. Maybe he'll just look it over or forget about it. But that didn't happen.

"I know how you are when you're lying, Ken." He's using my first name, meaning his serious.  

"I-I really don't know, Hide." I was starting to panic even more. I couldn't keep my attention on the book. I was sweating more now, not heavily though. Hide sighed before settling the toilet paper on the coffee table, and sat next to me on the couch. He took my book out of my hands and put it on the coffee table. He didn't save my spot, not that I cared at the moment.

"Stop lying, answer honestly. Does that have to do with you leaving?" He asked. I only nodded.

"What is it then?" He asked before I started to pull my knees to my chest. "No, don't shut down on me. You have to answer. I'm not going to let you get away without explaining. Please just tell me, Ken. Do you not trust me anymore?" He said as he push my legs back down.

"N-no! I still trust you."

"Why aren't you now?"

"Because I-I don't want to....lose you."

"Ken," He said as he put his hand on my cheek and made me face him. "I'm not going to leave you, I love you to much to do that. Will you please tell me why you left?"

"I-I was......pregnant." I said the last part in a whisper.

"What? Can you say that again?" He asked before I started to panic more. He noticed. "Hey hey, it's okay." He said in a soothing voice. I bought my mouth to his ear. I was going to whisper because I know I can't say it out loud.

"I was pregnant." I whispered loud enough only for him to hear. I pulled away before hanging my head in shame. I didn't want to look him in the eye. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out and he closed his mouth. I was getting ready for the hate, the even more shame, and him leaving me. But instead I felt his arms wrap around me. I started to cry as I wrapped my arms around him.

I pulled out of the hug after awhile. I had tears down my face, my eyes were probably red. Hide cupped my cheeks and wimped away my tears with his thumps.

"Why not tell me? I would have taken responsibility of me getting you preg-"

"It wasn't yours." I cut him off.

"What do you mean by that?"

"That day you came home to me crying, I had been raped. I couldn't fight him off. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to leave me because the baby wasn't yours."

"Being raped is different from cheating, Ken. I would stay with you even though the baby wasn't mine."

"I wasn't thinking that."

"Where's the baby now?"

"With a ghoul couple. I was raped by a ghoul, so he's a half ghoul, like me."


"I had a little boy, I named him Max. He was six months old when I left. I left when he was able to be without my milk, but I still leak. It's not completely gone yet."

"Is that what I found on the bathroom counter? And why you slammed the door in my face? Trying to hide the truth?"

"Y-yes." I said before he hugged me.

"I'll love you no matter what. Okay?" He said.

"Okay. I love you too."

Words: 1401
Finally finished!
Hope you enjoyed.
Until next time!

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