What could of happened

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This takes place after chapter seven.

Kaneki's P.O.V.

I was awake at two in the morning. Everything was quiet. Hide had his arms wrapped around my waist and my back was pressed against him. I'm a month and a half pregnant now. Hide doesn't still doesn't know that I'm pregnant. But he can tell something is up with me and I keep making up excuses. I had found this ghoul couple that want a kid, but can't risk them being found out while Sam is pregnant, that's the woman's name. All I have to get out of here, they'll let me stay at their place for as long as I need to.

I figured I should go while Hide is sleeping, I know I'm an asshole for doing this. But I don't want to face his hate if I do tell him I'm pregnant and he if he doesn't want a kid. And me being raped so the baby isn't his. I carefully took his arms off me and got out of bed. He moved and grumbled in his sleep. I was worried he would wake up, so I took one of my pillows and had him cuddle it. He wrapped his arms around my pillow and nuzzled his nose into it, it was adorable.

I sighed before getting out of my pajamas and into a t-shirt, jeans, and my hoodie. Then I got a bag and put some of my cloths in it, along with my toothbrush and toothpaste. I looked back at Hide, who was still asleep and cuddling the pillow. I went to him and sat on the bed. I moved some of his hair out of his face and kissed him on the cheek. I stared at his sleeping face for a few more minutes before getting of the bed and I got my bag. I quietly closed the bedroom door. I got a pen and a piece paper and wrote Hide a note, I didn't want to just leave without saying something.

Once the note was done, I left it on the kitchen counter. I got my shoes on, I already had socks on, before walking out the door into the cold night air. I zipped up my hoodie and put the hood over my head. And started walking down the street.

"We're going somewhere, where you'll grow up. Sorry, I won't be there with you. I still love you, baby." I said as I put my hand on my stomach and continued walking.

Time skip~~ Hide's P.O.V.

I woke up with the bed feeling cold. I groaned as I opened my eyes and realized I was hugging a pillow. I let it go and sat up. Kaneki wasn't in bed, maybe he got up to make breakfast. Or was throwing up again. That's been happening and it has me worried. He can't go to a doctor with him being a ghoul.

I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I opened the door, no one was in there. Then I looked in the kitchen, again no one. Maybe he had to help with ghoul business. Then I saw a note on the counter.

It said:

Hey Hide, if you have noticed, I'm not there. I'm somewhere else and won't be coming back for awhile. I don't know how long I'm be gone, but I will come back. And please don't come looking for me. You could take this as me breaking up with you. I'm not but if you feel that way, I don't blame you. I left out of no where. Could you do me a favor? Could you stay in our apartment so I would know where you are when I came back. So, I wouldn't have to go on a wild goose chase trying to find you.

I am sorry about this and I still love you with all my heart.


I started to cry before sitting on the floor.

Words: 679
I will make a part two.
Hope you enjoyed.
Until next tine!

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