What if...

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This is a what if Kaneki's dad was still alive.

Kaneki is four and half months pregnant...

Kaneki's P.O.V.

I was doing the dishes after I had lunch when my phone pinged. Hide was at work and I thought it was him texting me during his lunch break. I picked up my phone before sitting on the couch. The text said...

418-***-*****: Is this Kaneki Kai?

Kaneki Kai? That's my name before I figured out I felt better being a boy and changed my name to Kaneki Ken. I responded seeing where this would go. Or somebody else had my old name.

Kaneki: Yes, may I ask who is this?

418-***-*****: I'm Kaneki Akame. I'm your brith father.

My father? I haven't seen heard anything from him since I was four. And that's when I was still a girl. So, if he is my father, be probably doesn't know I'm transgender. Or a ghoul, or that I'm married, or that I'm pregnant. And I don't know anything about him either. We got to talking and I was convinced this wasn't fake.

Akame: You're married? To who?

Kaneki: His name is Hide. We've been married for four years.

Akame: What's he like?

Kaneki: He's sweet, kind, gentle, caring, and loves me a lot. And I love him.

Akame: Do you have any kids yet?

Kaneki: I'm pregnant with our first.

Akame: How far along are you?

Kaneki: Almost five months. They kick a lot.

We texted for a lot longer, so long that Hide came home and we were still texting.

"Honey, I'm home!" I heard him say when opened the door before closing it again. I didn't respond as I was sending another text. Hide came into the living room without his shoes, hat, and shoulder bag on. "Who are you texting?" He asked after I looked up and he kissed me.

"My father." I said without hesitation, but a little nervous.

"You found him?"

"More like he found me. He texted me after lunch asking if I was Kaneki Kai."

"But your name is Kaneki Ken now."

"Yeah, but he hasn't seen or heard anything about me since I was four. My name wasn't changed by then. If I told him I was Kaneki Ken, he would of not texted again. When we finally found each other. Do you get what I mean?"

"Yeah, I do. Are you gonna try to meet him in person?"

"I was going to try. But I don't know if you'll let me. With you being protective of me because I'm pregnant."

"Well, we could get Yomo to watch in the background of you and him incase anything happens. Because he's human and you're pregnant."

"Yeah, okay."

Time skip~~ a couple weeks later~~ Still Kaneki's P.O.V.~~~

I was sitting at a booth at a restaurant waiting on my father. Yomo was watching from some where no one, not even me, can find him. I was really nervous. I was playing with my fingers, playing with my wedding ring, and taping my figures on the wooden table. A million thoughts were running through my head, most of them being about him not liking that I'm transgender. I haven't told him that yet, I was so nervous about what he would think, I chickened out. But now that he's going to see me in person, I won't be able to hide it anymore.

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