False alarm

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This is when Kaneki was eight months pregnant...

Kaneki's P.O.V.

It was morning and I was not wanting to get up. I haven't opened my eyes yet. I know Hide is up because I felt the bed move around and bounce a little. I was kinda refusing to get up. But then I smelt food being cooked from downstairs. I moved the blanket and sat up and sniffed some more. It smelt really good, Hide must be making breakfast.

I moved my legs to hang over the edge of the bed before standing up. I put a hand on my stomach and smiled. Then I put a hand on my lower back and starched my back a little. I made my way downstairs and went to the kitchen. Where Hide was and making breakfast.

"Hey..." I said tiredly. I still had my hand on my stomach and my another hand on the wall. Hide turned his head to look at me. He was making pancakes.

"Kaneki, what are you doing up? You need to rest." He said as he turned off the stove and came to me. I put my hands on his shoulders and he kinda put his hands on my hips.

"I know, but I smelt food."

"Least sit on the couch when you come downstairs." He said as he lead me to the couch. He helped me sit down and kneeled in front of me, he was holding my hands. "I don't need you to be stressing yourself out. I need you to relax. The baby is going to come almost any day now."

"I know, but you're a little over protective of me since I got pregnant. And now that they can come any day now, you're gotten more protective. I'm not saying it's bad, but I can't always be laying around and not doing much."

"I just don't want you and the baby to get hurt. Because I love you both and don't want anything to happen to you guys."

"I know that too." I said before leaning down the best I could and kissed him on the lips. He kissed back before I pulled away. "But still."

"Okay, I'm gonna finish making breakfast. You can watch something on TV until breakfast is ready. If you want." He said.

"Yeah, I'll do that." I said before Hide stood up.

"Alright." He said before kissing me on the forehead.

"But one more thing." I said as I held his shirt, stopping him from leaving. "Could you get me the remote? I can't reach it from here to the coffee table. Because of your kid."

"Okay." He said with a chuckle. Then he handed me the remote before going to the kitchen. I turned on Netflix and put on a show. Hide got done with breakfast after awhile. He was about to have me eat on couch before I gave him a look. He sighed before putting the plates on the table. He came back to the couch to help me get up. Once he did get me up, he lead me to the table and helped me into the kitchen chair. He sat across from me as we ate. When we got done, he cleaned the dishes as I sat at the table. I was starting to feel tired. Hide noticed before coming back to the table.

"Come on, let's get you bed to take a nap." He said as he rubbed my arm. He had his other hand on my back.

"Yeah." Is all I said. He helped me stand and was helping me to our bedroom. But I felt a pain when we got to the couch. I put my hands on the back of it and held myself up. Of course Hide started to panic.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

"Pain..." is all I mumbled out.

"Where is the pain?"

"Back..." I mumbled out before he put his hand on the middle of my back.

"Here?" I shook my head. Then he moved his hand to my lower back. "Here?" I nodded. I was starting to sweat a little and panting. "Is it just where my hand is? Nowhere else?" I nodded again before hissing in pain. "Are you starting to go through labor?"

"I-I don't know."

"If you are we need to get you bed." I know he sounds kinda calm. But on the inside, I know he's panicking.

"No, it re-really hurts right n-now. I d-don't want t-to m-move." I said before he sighed.

"Ken..." He said before I looked at him. I had tears in my eyes and my eyes probably looked sad and pleading. I knew he couldn't say no to that look. He put his arm around my waist and held my arm with his other hand. He kissed me on the side of the head before resting his forehead there. We just stayed there for awhile. Hide kept kissing me on the head, like trying to get the pain to go away. And the pain did stop after awhile. I was just achey now.

"I-it stopped." I said.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think it was a false alarm."

"It gave me a heart attack though." He said before I chuckled.

"I just want to go to bed now."

"Alright." He said before taking my hand in his. He lead me to the staircase and helped me up the stairs. He had me lay in bed before covering me up with blanket and made sure I was comfy.

"Hey..." I said as I put a hand on his cheek. "Could you sleep with me?"

"Yeah, but I probably won't sleep after that false alarm."

"Okay." I said with a chuckle. He walked around the couch and got on his side of the bed. He laid down on his side and wrapped his arm around me. Then he kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said before turning my head to kiss him. After we pulled away, he rested his chin on my head as I some what snuggled into his neck. And I fell asleep after awhile, but Hide stayed awake to keep an eye on me. I have a feeling he's not going to sleep well until the baby is born.

Words: 1077
Hope you enjoyed.
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Until next time!

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